Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Interest paid was down from £3.1m to £1.2m and gearing at the year-end was 9 per cent .
2 Harriet Harman , shadow Treasury chief secretary , said : ‘ The last thing the country needs at the moment is a dogfight in the Cabinet and that is what has been going on . ’
3 People knocking at the door was a very unusual event in this household .
4 What is , what is happening at the moment is although they ca n't afford the money for the full , for the full treatment they are making an allocation of money to improve matters round , round that area , which will be er , cos I , I told them that some of the pensioners were , w walking round by the bankment , it 's pouring of rain , which is perfectly true and that er the engineer should go round and see for himself and plus the fact how many of these people ever travel by bus , or do they always go by car , no , and also I brought up about bus shelters and all those sort of things , but any way , there will be some improvements for the bus station in the future .
5 ‘ What is happening at the DVLA is happening in all civil service jobs in Wales .
6 I think it still belongs to the Duke of Devonshire because he was interviewed at the end was n't he ?
7 Kildare and return and booking at the moment is reported to be brisk .
8 Ah 've seen pictures of drinkin' vessels where the only way of gettin' at the liquor is through the penis , but Ah 've never seen fellatio depicted or pictures of miniatures like this …
9 The name discarded at the weekend was invented during the 1956 uprising as a gesture of total break with the Stalinist past .
10 One of the major problems of investment trust shares trading at a discount is that the company becomes a relatively attractive proposition for predators , particularly other financial institutions wishing to buy a ready-made diversified portfolio of assets ( at a discount ) .
11 Erm now , the other thing I mentioned at the beginning was certification of the system .
12 The display is now set to tour Scotland for the remainder of the centenary year , taking in several locations which have strong MacDiarmid associations — Langholm , where he was born ; Montrose where his masterpiece A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle was composed ; and Lanark , close to Brownsbank where he spent the later years of his life .
13 One of the star exhibits at the Laboratory is ATSR , an instrument currently on board the European Space Agency 's satellite .
14 For instance , I once had occasion to ask him if a certain gentleman expected at the house was likely to be accompanied by his wife .
15 But the ‘ hairy monsters ’ which no one wants at the moment are also tremendous value , and could eventually rise in value .
16 Details of companies which have looked at the centre are still a closely guarded secret , but BPT believes many of the centre 's shops will be let , if not trading , by the time the centre opens .
17 Very often , during the assessment interview , the therapist might glance at the client 's completed inventories and adapt their line of questioning , or confirm a particular response .
18 The museum , owned by U.S. Aerobatic Team member Kermit Weeks , was totally demolished by winds reported to have exceeded 200 mph — so strong that a DC-6 which had been parked at the airport was found over a mile away .
19 Parked at the kerb was a smart new van in pale blue .
20 The last thing we want at the moment is talk of selling . ’
21 What really matters at the moment is that the rugby pot keeps itself on the boil , so that it wo n't need too much of a boost from the fickle flames of European International rugby , when it returns in the New Year , to reactivate the interest of the casual followers uncovered by the World Cup .
22 Although the judgment of how well a film shows what normally happens at a junction was used differently in Study 3 and in Groeger and Chapman ( 1992 , in preparation a ) there was no evidence in either case that this was related to recognition sensitivity .
23 But all that happens at the end is that he wakes up one morning , goes outside , gets into a balloon and takes off . ’
24 However , circling before the horse is presented at the obstacle is not penalised — unlike showjumping .
25 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
26 Little noticed at the time were large groups who missed out in the general prosperity : the blacks , poor farmers , lower-paid workers , and the old people living on small fixed pensions , who suffered particularly from one of the continuing problems of the economy inflation .
27 The one living at the hospital was found in a poor condition on the Aycliffe Industrial Estate .
28 ‘ I think the sheer professionalism of the job as it 's done at the moment is hard to beat .
29 All Leeds can do at the moment is keep winning the games we should win and clock the away victories , so that when the Uniteds of this world come along we wo n't be psyched out of beating them .
30 Well it 's the only time we get chance to talk at the moment is n't it ?
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