Example sentences of "[verb] the national [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Maoist Sendero Luminoso guerrilla group sabotaged the national electricity grid on April 6 .
2 The government has introduced new restrictions on the use of national park land in the event of privatisation but Opposition , and some Conservative , MPs believe that tougher planning controls are needed to enable the national park authorities to block damaging development .
3 Birmingham is still famed for its vision and enterprise building the National Exhibition Centre ( NEC ) , the International Convention Centre ( ICC ) , the beautiful new open space outside it — Centenary Square — and the National Indoor Arena ( NIA ) for sport .
4 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
5 However , its sale plan has been halted by a court action over the trusteeship of the collection and has already provoked the National Art Collections into stripping it of a grant .
6 Labour made the National Health Service a major issue , and considerable media debate arose after a Labour party political broadcast on March 24 featuring the plight of a young girl needing specialist hospital treatment .
7 For our own 25th Anniversary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall in 1978 Cicely produced a most imaginative programme using the National Display Team to link together a number of items depicting the history of Medau Rhythmic Movement .
8 Research grants were worked out using the national research ratings published by the University Funding Council last year .
9 His successor was Sir Clive Wigram , who in June 1931 attended another dinner , this time given by a South African millionaire , Sir Abe Bailey , to promote the National Government conception .
10 It is possible to see the national curriculum legislation as part of the government 's strategy to reduce the power of local authorities .
11 Finally , it is necessary to see the national curriculum legislation in relation to the teaching profession .
12 It is difficult to see the National Curriculum requirements fitting into this sort of timetabling pattern .
13 I want to see the National Health Service properly financed ’ .
14 The crucial decision , indeed , concerned the National Manure Company ( Robson , 1954 ) .
15 His government would ( i ) support the NLA in drafting a fresh constitution and in organizing " honest and fair " elections ; ( ii ) reform the bureaucratic administrative system by , among other measures , fighting corruption and decentralizing power ; ( iii ) modernize the armed forces and develop the national defence industry ; ( iv ) support good relations with ASEAN and neighbouring countries ; ( v ) speed up the relief of economic hardships suffered by the people and farmers and improve economic efficiency ; and ( vi ) step up crime suppression and prevention .
16 The hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) recently said to the House , rather chillingly , that if Labour were re-elected it would treat the national health service as it did last time .
17 Last month , Peter Brooke , Secretary of State for National Heritage , announced the National Lottery Bill .
18 Out of this alliance of the state with capital , dictated by necessity , arose the national citizen class , the bourgeoisie in the modern sense of the word .
19 Pre-dating the National Health Service by over thirty years , in 1916 the Venereal Disease Regulations were passed instructing all local health authorities to provide clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of the venereal diseases .
20 Wedgwood is delighted to support the National Art Collectors Modern Art Fund with this exciting new venture .
21 I had heard the National Health Service was in a bad way , but I did n't realize that do-it-yourself , take-your own-chances medicine had reached this level of intensity .
22 THE weather continued to disrupt the National Hunt programme yesterday , threatening a big weekend of racing .
23 In a Parliamentary reply I said : ‘ The Government have no plans to change the present system of financing the National Health Service largely from taxation and will continue to review the scope for introducing more cost consciousness and consumer choice and for increasing private provision which is already expanding . ’
24 The committee was set up in the wake of the Cleveland child sex abuse inquiry to implement the National Health Service and Community Care Act .
25 If however , a student achieves a level different from that which was anticipated then the centre should notify the National Certificate Unit , SCOTVEC , for the attention of the Education Officer ( Validation/Moderation ) and adjustments will be made to individual registrations .
26 It may have been preferable to issue the national curriculum documents as guidelines , templates of good practice against which schools could evaluate their extant curriculum rather than requirements that have to be met .
27 Those working within the paradigm of capital and its effect on the cities relate economic decline to the workings of the market ( those interested in pursuing the topic should consult the National Community Development Project ( 1977 ) ; , Friend and Metcalf ( 1981 ) ; Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) ; Scott ( 1982 ) ) .
28 Why should more capital spending on hospitals make the National Health Service more ‘ productive ’ than more current spending on nurses ?
29 Why do you think the National Coal Board had to decide on these changes ?
30 that 's what mile do you do on it ? , like some people might think the national speed limit , but it 's not that 's fifty or sixty
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