Example sentences of "[verb] the same way [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This little oasis is a great pleasure to everyone in the area and it would be a travesty if it were ever to go the same way as everywhere else in the Newbury district — for commercial gain . ’
2 We do n't want the same to happen to us in the UK — to go the same way as the British motor or electronics industries have — and to prevent this we must make ourselves as lean , fit and efficient as possible ; able to compete with the Japanese on quality , service , delivery and price .
3 Football clubs and debt go hand in hand but few seem to go the same way as the hundreds of small businesses biting the dust every day .
4 Well you 're meant to go the same way as the clock goes and that means it 's you next .
5 He thinks the same way as I do about our work .
6 Dealers insist that paintings should be treated the same way because of the auctions for dealers only , where ‘ dead ’ stock is exchanged and where new prices are set .
7 ‘ I do n't think the same way as other designers , ’ he shrugs , shuddering at the billowing skirts , fussy bows and complicated ornaments that are characteristic of the set-piece ball gowns of the Paris couture .
8 Does she feel the same way as you ? ’
9 As he watched he saw , high above his own aircraft , a small pinpoint of red fire moving through the band of stars , heading the same way as he .
10 ‘ That congregational aspect — which is a pretty Presbyterian word and I quite like the connotation — of the emotional effect of things happening to people while they 're gathered together , that was the big thing in the early acid clubs , that feeling that you were in a place with 200 people all going the same way as you , all into being there , enjoying being in this mass of people … …
11 Being sure I was on course did not convince me I was going the same way as everyone else .
12 He is terrified that Keith is ‘ going the same way as Andrew ’ and feels frustrated and emasculated , because he can not control either of his sons ' behaviour .
13 He is terrified that Keith is ‘ going the same way as Andrew ’ and feels frustrated and emasculated , because he can not control either of his sons ' behaviour .
14 IBM was perceived as the winner , just as today , even the things it does right are in trouble because IBM is perceived as the industry 's most emphatic loser , and more and more people are talking seriously about the company being in danger of going the same way as Prime Computer Inc , Wang Laboratories Inc and Control Data Corp .
15 She hoped with all her heart that he was not going the same way as his stepfather ; and yet , the signs were already there .
16 For a moment I thought she was going the same way as her father .
17 Mind you , if you were going the same way as he wanted go , and he was going the way you wanted to go
18 And then it 's not spelt the same way as this when it 's on a boat
19 To the left , he could only at first see his own garden , his tennis court , the old wall that screened his vegetables — to eat what one has grown , actually to eat that ! — but then , across a low hedge and a fence that needed repair , he found he could see into the garden of the new Rectory , whose impersonal little back windows faced the same way as his own .
20 The last time they went to the rock , everything began the same way as usual .
21 I feel that the water company should do something constructive to solve the problem they have engineered , and perhaps other readers feel the same way as we do .
22 And he all but confirmed this was his last match , saying : ‘ I basically feel the same way as I have all year , and although I am not going to announce my retirement , I guess that is it .
23 He says many feel the same way as Joe — they are loyal to Dowty .
24 I fear it may have gone the same way as Honest John 's other great idea , the hard ecu .
25 There is ample room within the synaptic interactions of even 20,000 neurons for their properties to be those of the system rather than of its individual cells , and claims which were once popular that within insect and crustacean nervous systems one could find key ‘ command ’ neurons have gone the same way as , in eastern Europe , parallel enthusiasm for ‘ command economies ’ — that is , they turn out to be not a good way to organize individual behaviour any more than to run a country .
26 The new theorists seem to have gone the same way because of ideological conservatism , or fatalism about what is possible .
27 This pledge was fulfilled in 1971 and thus the Land Commission went the same way as it predecessor , the Central Land Board .
28 ‘ He went the same way as your mother . ’
29 I had one friend from another house who felt the same way as I did about the school and the whole process we were being put through .
30 It was a big step to take , but there was no way I could contemplate settling down to bring up my family in London , and I knew my wife felt the same way as she loved the sea and country .
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