Example sentences of "[verb] the same old [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And when he went on teaching practice , Liang Heng found himself transmitting the same old dogma : ‘ The blind obedience that made the Cultural Revolution possible was being fostered still .
2 The boredom was broken only by bayoneting rats , bailing more water out of the trench or having to listen to Tommy repeat the same old melodies on a now rusty mouth-organ .
3 The full glory of Chuck Prophet 's twisted Telecastering is definitely best savoured live , but the latest release from Green On Red sees the errant duo of Prophet and Dan Stuart re-writing the same old songs to the same good effect .
4 I get fed up with cooking the same old thing — I like it if I can experiment .
5 Running around in circles and seeing the same old thing defeats half the purpose .
6 We used the same old path , and I was amazed to realise that without knowing it I had been hurrying my children along and constantly looking over my shoulder .
7 We swallowed hard , stiffened our upper lip , and decided to ‘ see it through ’ by shutting our eyes and applying the same old formula regardless — a constitution , a mace , a copy of Erskine May , a Speaker 's chair and national independence .
8 Firstly , as you perceive your old fears welling up within you , as you try to tackle the same old problem and are paralysed by the thought of failure , look at the screen of your mind .
9 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
10 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
11 Helmut Lang played the same old song too : ugly but beautiful , perfect if you are a model/15 years old/savagely stylish .
12 I think if you ask any housewife , if they 're honest , they 'll turn round and say they feel like a drudge half the time — everybody thinks when they get up in the morning ‘ Oh no , I 've got the same old things to do today , till I go to bed tonight . ’
13 But he never wanted to do anything but sit in his study , go to the university and give the same old lectures , year after year .
14 Oh well , well er most of us are b even , even the Tories themselves know , they know that we 're fighting for the old people , but do they we get the same old reply from them , where is the money coming ?
15 ‘ I always end up wearing the same old make-up , but just a little bit less of it , ’ admitted one frustrated friend .
16 On the one hand , there is certainly a resistance to change and to new ideas ; academics appear quite happy to continue teaching the same old syllabuses as if there had been no ‘ explosion ’ ( Dr P 's word ) in English studies ; at the same time , there is no resistance to allowing other people within the same department to teach quite different things to students , and to do quite different types of research .
17 I do not know which gramophone company the Secretary of State works for , Mr. Speaker , but we hear the same old gramophone record every time he comes to the Dispatch Box .
18 I suppose you get days when you feel you get up and you 've got to do the same old things — you get bored , you 're stuck in the same routine .
19 ‘ I just felt I was doing the same old thing , week after week , month after month .
20 In the meantime , she wore the same old rags week after week , lived in poverty and was ‘ faithful ’ to her ex-lover .
21 It was the same thin , intelligent slightly wary face and as far as she could tell the same old Barbour jacket .
22 After a while people get tired of hearing the same old thing and they 'll eventually turn their back on it if they hear enough of it , and they 'll turn to something else — like rap .
23 We 'll do so-and-so , and they walk away and leave it , and the adapters they say , they see the adapters as stick in the muds , ooh , they all do the same old thing , ooh , it 's boring and that sort of thing you see .
24 You do n't always wear the same clothes wherever you go so why wear the same old fragrance ?
25 That was quite nice , to see somebody that I 'd been in prison with and still be able to sit down and talk the same old way .
26 I know women are involved in the business , but they are just toeing the line , repeating the same old images , playing the men 's game .
27 Keep telling the same old tales !
28 Eventually I reach the same old compromise .
29 That excuses my question , like you 're going down your priorities , you take , and in the low branches , we still have the same old jobs to do , there 's the stocktaking , X thousands of pounds .
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