Example sentences of "[verb] the same [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 I made the same mistake that I make , year after year .
2 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
3 They propel the vessel through the water using the same principle that allows a bowler in cricket or a baseball pitcher to swing a ball through the air .
4 Depending on technical arguments , the conference will decide on a spacing for satellites using the same frequency that could be anywhere between 4° and 10° .
5 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
6 Well , she 's done it in Gods go a'begging , using the same Watteau that we liked so much with the columns and the landscape in the background .
7 Equally important are economies of scope : big firms can use the materials and processes employed to make one product in the manufacture of related goods , as Japan 's consumer-electronics companies did in the 1970s , using the same factories that had previously churned out cheap transistor radios to manufacture televisions and videos .
8 Mushkin attempted this by using the same methodology that Denison used in relation to education and in relation to health for the period 1960–80 .
9 The defender blocks by turning his body sideways so that the blow misses the target , and then counter-attacks with a palm-hand strike aimed upwards at the opponent 's chin ; this in its turn may be countered by a downwards slapping motion with a flat-palm strike to the attacker 's hand and finished off with a backfist strike to the nose , using the same hand that was used to block .
10 Thus , for example , " theft " would probably be given the same meaning that word bears in the Theft Act 1968 ; if the drafter intends some other meaning , he/she should define the relevant word for the purposes of the contract .
11 Allen , who has missed the last four games , said : ‘ I must admit I was a little concerned and went to see the same specialist that did the operation on my groin before .
12 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
13 the employer is not only provided with maximum assurance that his competitors will make the same settlement that he does ; he is also assured that his competitors will be shut down … when he is shut down , so that he need not reckon on a permanent reduction in market share when calculating the costs of a strike .
14 ‘ I 'm going to make sure my own kids do n't make the same mistakes that I did ’
15 Attorney General Amos Wako announced the same day that political parties would not be required to obtain licences to hold rallies during the election campaign , and that all parties would be allocated equal air time on national radio and television .
16 Success Sunderland are adopting the same formation that brought Ipswich success in the 70s , and the results have been encouraging enough to persuade the 37-year-old boss to call off his search for a midfield playmaker .
17 By contrast , a group representing European human rights organizations which had returned from a 12-day visit to Burundi , maintained the same day that at least 3,000 people had been killed in reprisals by the army and paramilitary groups after the rebellion .
18 In particular the fearful and horrifying episodes of life with their accompanying pain are played back so that time after time we are made to suffer the same agony that we felt as a child when we had the original experience .
19 Once everybody 's favourite fledgling PC maker , the firm — now fully grown with annual sales of $3.6 billion — is starting to suffer the same ills that it used to lampoon in its big bad competitors .
20 The five-strong crew thought they were about to suffer the same disaster that struck another British Airways flight in June 1990 .
21 Radio France Internationale reported the same day that it had received a communication from the leaders of three Togolese opposition parties protesting that ( the above ) key portfolios had gone to members of Eyadema 's party , the Togolese People 's Rally ( RPT ) , and calling on the HCR not to ratify the list .
22 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
23 The spokesman said that 10 NPFL fighters had died in the Vahun incident , and that all bodies had been buried , but it was reported the same day that Taylor had ordered that the bodies should be exhumed .
24 It was reported the same day that the UN military commander in Somalia , Brig. -Gen .
25 The position on the particular issue to which the hon. Gentleman refers is that for some years now we have pursued the same policy that the money has been , in the formula applied , additional and is reflected in higher public spending plans , and that it is for the Commissioner to honour the pledge that we have had for years past .
26 VSAM can be optimized by careful design , applying the same principles that have been described earlier .
27 This uses the same technology that spawned the SL .
28 He found , however , as he loped along , ostensibly to school , that he could not feel the same bitterness that he had done when he first started to write .
29 and they 'd the same bed that that they 'd got married in
30 They show the same tendency that was observed in Study 2 for some junctions to have a negative correlation and others to show a positive correlation .
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