Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] between [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or more exactly , while he does stress the difference between poetry and referential language , he also stresses that the experience which poetry produces differs only in degree , not in kind , from other types of emotive experience .
2 Naturally he would stress the difference between phalanx and legion in a war between Macedonians and Romans ( 18.28 ) , but he would not present the war as a conflict between Macedonian monarchy and the Roman mixed constitution .
3 He justifies construing the opposition between repose and action , or inner and outer worlds as that of metaphor and metonymy on the grounds that the former is the trope of " imagination " and " totality " , the latter the trope of " senses " and " fragmentation " .
4 A third mechanism for maintaining the threshold between conflict and war is what is generally termed ‘ presence ’ .
5 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
6 He divided the government between East and West , taking the East himself .
7 He argues that the sociology of knowledge must address the process of group formation since this involves the interaction between group identity and belief .
8 Specifically this involves the interaction between processing , design and materials .
9 There is a whole range of language communication , particularly that which involves the interrelation between speaker and hearer , which can not be fitted into this conceptual view of semantics ( see 9.1–9.1.2 ) .
10 One possible process operating at the time of encoding which may influence the relationship between risk and recognition sensitivity is the idea of attention focusing as predicted by Easterbrook 's hypothesis as discussed in Chapter 2 .
11 These two developments have altered the balance between time spent upon problem identification ( fault diagnosis/isolation ) , solution identification/optimisation and that spent upon solution implementation and control ( repair and rectification ) .
12 It is possible that the earlier epidemics absorbed the existing population surplus and that the later outbreaks upset the balance between land and labour which had been re-established after 1350 .
13 This kind of specialist service has , solicitor James Whelan believes , made the difference between success and failure for himself and his wife in finding an ideal base in Devon to come back to from Dubai , where they lived since 1985 .
14 Again , we found no search where this made the difference between success and total failure , nor is there any evidence that users were better satisfied .
15 Her lawyers had argued the heiress retained reproduction rights on works by Matisse purchased by her father before 1910 , when French law first made the distinction between property rights and ‘ immaterial rights ’ such as those of reproduction .
16 It is well known that the belief in citizenship was derived from the writings of T. H. Green , the Oxford Idealist philosopher , who more than any other figure made the connection between philosophy and educational theory and practice .
17 sours the relationship between buyer and seller .
18 Nothing , anyway , that helpfully addresses an important conundrum , often mentioned , seldom explored , and so far unsolved : when death occurs suddenly , and coronary atherosclerosis is found at necropsy ( and nothing else that is evidently fatal ) , the certified cause of death will be given as ‘ coronary artery disease ’ — or one of many synonyms — with no regard paid to the customary scientific standards of proving the relation between effect and cause .
19 Certain aspects of Hayek 's theory , such as his model constitution , seem essentially constructivist in nature , whereas other aspects stress the link between tradition and progress .
20 There are a number of ways of using the dialogue between parent and professional .
21 Given the link between fertility and tenure , and tenure and unemployment , a relationship between family status and unemployment would be expected : figure 7.8 shows that this is indeed the case — the unemployed are much more likely to have children ( and — perhaps more surprisingly — to be living away from home ) .
22 His antipathy to cowardice was such that given the choice between cowardice and violence he would choose violence .
23 Given the disagreement between design practitioners as to what constitutes ‘ good ’ design , this undiscerning approach is hardly surprising .
24 The scope for discretionary action may also be increased , given the connection between size and market power .
25 Pressure could also be exerted on practices to adopt 10 minute consultation bookings , given the relation between length of consultation and quality of performance .
26 Given the distinction between primary and secondary qualities , such material things are not quite as they appear ; unlike their extension , their colour ( for example ) is nothing but an ability , stemming from their atomic or corpuscular constitution , to cause certain ideas in our minds .
27 This change erodes the distinction between university and what were previously known as ‘ public sector ’ institutions , and may blur what Burgess ( 1977 , pp. 2332 ) has argued is a contrast between the ‘ autonomous ’ ( university ) and ‘ service ’ ( polytechnic/ college ) traditions .
28 Of course , one can not be adamant about whether they merit the label ‘ murder ’ , because that is a question of drawing the line between murder and manslaughter , which is not susceptible of any precise resolution .
29 To respond to this situation with further physical punishment is to invite war ; one which will greatly damage the relationship between horse and person .
30 Their research , led by D John Hunter , Consultant Gastroenterologist , revealed the connection between diet and irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) .
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