Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
2 Injunctions were issued against The Observer and The Guardian newspapers to prevent them from publishing extracts from Peter Wright 's book and the Court of Appeal , overruling the judge at first instance , held that although publication by The Independent newspaper and others could not be a breach of those injunctions nevertheless , since they knew of their issue , they could be guilty of contempt of court if their publication interfered with the course of justice .
3 If a police officer has to request a driver to produce a current test certificate , the officer must bear in mind the problem of proving the date of first registration .
4 Using the assembler without first setting P% ( and O% ) is liable to corrupt the operating system .
5 Others said that Sawyer had panicked and gone straight out and given the signal without first doing the reconnoitring for which Ryan had allowed time .
6 Easing the car into first gear , she set off back along the road , a frown deepening on her face as she was forced to crawl along at a snail 's pace , unable to see more than a couple of feet ahead in the ever-thickening snow .
7 Mr Mayhew was at the scene of the latest bombing outrage in Magherafelt earlier today to see the carnage at first hand .
8 RU now denotes the process of first turning the R face , then the U face ( Figure 4 ) .
9 As a young physician dedicated to an academic career , I think that several points may explain the paucity of first class researchers currently attaining senior posts .
11 Flavia became aware of her voice and that it was loud , aware of herself on her feet rapidly walking the floor at first light .
12 Dr. Goldsmith did n't want to certify the man at first , but later relented , and Sabey was sent to the asylum .
13 2.4 It is Department of Education and Science ( DES ) policy , and is enshrined in National Curriculum documents on modern foreign languages , ‘ to encourage diversification by widening the choice of first foreign languages available ’ in schools .
14 I do not catch the sense at first .
15 ‘ You may stay and catch the ferry at first light when it crosses but that is your decision . ’
16 LIN , which last month entered into a merger agreement with Bell South in an attempt to repel McCaw , has the right of first refusal on Metromedia 's stake , which would pre-empt the deal with McCaw .
17 If a person had been admitted to hospital for coronary heart disease we used the date of first admission as the incidence date .
18 The Appellate Court of Illinois , affirming the decision at first instance , rejected both arguments , holding that VWoA was agent by operation of law as an ‘ involuntary agent ’ under a well-established doctrine in the law of Illinois , and that the Convention was inapplicable to service effected within the borders of the United States .
19 ( i ) Remove the oviduct by first cutting through the top of the uterus , leaving a small portion of it attached to the oviduct , and then dissecting the oviduct away from the ovary .
20 Remove the float after first checking its exact position on the float arm .
21 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
22 I believe they need a more direct winger , someone in the Gordon Strachan mould who will get into crossing positions and put the ball in first time .
23 And he said er , mm , would you er , would you just , erm , do n't raise the clutch just put the car into first gear a minute .
24 The IRA , will no doubt , argue that it is taking its fight to mainland Britain to let the English feel the war at first hand ; to sicken the English and to cause them to pressurise their government to withdraw from Ireland .
25 The usual precautions of observing the polarity of the diodes and the electrolytic capacitor will bring the reward of first time success .
26 I slammed the car into first gear to get off the poor thing .
27 The carer is involved in the routine : you will watch the therapist at first , and then learn how much you can do to help the learning process at any stage .
28 ( p944 ) His Lordship specifically rejected the argument that drivability was the sole test of merchantability and overturned the decision at first instance ( [ 1987 ] 2 WLR 353 ) where it is held that the vehicle was merchantable as its defects did not destroy " the workable character " of the machine .
29 He had n't seen the tug at first because it was alongside on the far side .
30 Bruno Walter was there and afterwards I was offered the post of first kapellmeister ; but I had to say , frankly I am better off in Aachen .
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