Example sentences of "[verb] the good [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has meant attempting to diversify energy imports with regard to the nature and the location of sources as well as achieving and maintaining the best possible balance between stability and flexibility in supply arrangements .
2 It shared the best single award with Bhangra Muffin
3 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
4 This suited Peter Buckton and Simon Tipping admirably ; they made the best possible use of the loose ball , punching holes through the Durham defence so that , as the final quarter was reached , Yorkshire led 25-6 .
5 Arbroath made the best possible start to the second half .
6 He constantly proclaimed that the sons of blacksmiths and grooms made the best veterinary surgeons — a general proposition supported by Percivall in 1842 — although he denied that he ever said surgeons made the worst .
7 Do my right hon. and hon. Friends agree that if we are to have an effective Royal Air Force , it is essential that our pilots are given the best possible training , including training in operating at below the level of enemy radar ?
8 A newspaper campaign to prevent breeding by some of the substandard individuals with whom society is saddled would be much more to the point than vapid maunderings about the welfare of a child who has been endowed with an almost perfect inheritance , and is being given the best possible care ! ’
9 Our comprehensive range of services has been developed to make sure that your business is given the best possible start .
10 At this vulnerable stage of their lives , they must be given the best possible food — a balanced diet including fresh vegetables , fruit , grains , fish and meat . ’
11 However , until that stage is reached , all we can do is to ensure that the animals whose flesh we devour are given the best possible lifestyle and are then despatched as quickly and painlessly as possible .
12 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
13 He became the best available villain for those who wished to fasten upon an individual to blame for Britain 's plight .
14 Only then can we make the best possible use of all our assets !
15 Five years ago , Mrs Thatcher had a commanding lead over Mr Kinnock as the person who ‘ would make the best Prime Minister ’ .
16 The 19 per cent who thought in 1987 he would make the best Prime Minister compares with 28 per cent today .
17 Voters were asked in 1987 and again in the post-election survey who they thought would ‘ make the best Prime Minister ’ .
18 A total of 25.8pc now think he would make the best Prime Minister — up 0.8pc from July , while Mr Major 's rating has fallen again , from 17.7pc to 16.1pc .
19 Interestingly , although all three cached designs had the same amount of RAM cache , the CIC Sigma produced the best overall performance .
20 World record holder Mike Powell of the United States produced the best long jump ever in Australia last night when he leapt 8.23m to win the event at the NEC International track and field meet in Melbourne .
21 RICHARD Holder , critically ill for two months in hospital , got the best possible pick-me-up yesterday when 33-1 shot Beresfords Girl and 3-1 chance Charmed I 'm Sure scored a 135-1 Exeter double for his Portbury stable .
22 YOUR MONEY DO you want the best possible return on your savings ?
23 Both sides will want the best achievable price .
24 But those incinerators are now regulated under integrated pollution control procedures , and HMIP authorisations will be based upon guidelines reflecting the best available technology not entailing excessive costs .
25 That undoubtedly represents the best two mile chase form around .
26 Brasel and Quigley ( 1977 ) reversed this finding in favour of signing producing the best English development .
27 Can he give some information about the way in which the Government can encourage the greater recruitment of traffic wardens up to full complement in police forces and encourage the better use of those wardens so that they make the best possible contribution to the maintenance of traffic flow and the release of police officers for the control of crime ?
28 Pre-Course advice — nominators or candidates are helped to choose the most appropriate course , so that they make the best possible investment .
29 whilst in some respects they are considered sinful and falling short of the pattern for our life as revealed in the Scripture , make the best moral sense of a situation which is , of itself , flawed .
30 ‘ I do love big breakfasts because we are not far from Bury and they make the best black puddings in the world , but I do want to stay healthy so my wife Judith makes sure I keep a very balanced diet .
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