Example sentences of "[verb] on the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Agreement is being sought from the Clerk to the Licensing Justices to have the condition included on the Justices Licence .
2 In order to bring more of the big guns to bear on the clones Adobe signed a rash of typesetter vendors and font foundries in late 1988 .
3 The magnificent last pitch of grade V climbing on the Cavales West Ridge ( photo , Sally Noble ) .
4 At the second last she put in a tremendous leap and was back in the lead as Run And Skip started to fade , but Forgive 'N Forget on the stands side and Wayward Lad inside him were now going for home , and they passed Dawn Run on the approach to the last .
5 I will also focus on the strategies feminists have used to resist sexism in language over the last two decades , which are more varied in their aims and effects than the discussion so far might suggest .
6 The Open Software Foundation is holding an end user forum in Brussels on September 29 , followed by a special interest group on the 30th , which will focus on the telecommunications marketplace .
7 They can be encouraged and guided to work on the Options activities alone , either for homework or purely to reinforce previous work .
8 Sometimes , one finds it hard to understand why Americans are so disliked on the sports field .
9 A sports and community hall was built on the sports field .
10 First featured on the 12″ version of ‘ William , It Was Really Nothing ’ , the song did n't reveal all its glory until heard within the context of ‘ Hatful ’ .
11 The fan , which was featured on the Antiques Roadshow when it visited Coulby Newham , Cleveland , has been mounted in a glass-fronted case and , although not especially valuable , has now been put into other hands to keep safe for posterity .
12 I myself think er as other er speakers in this debate have said , I think it 's important that there should be an absolute majority of elected members serving on the police authority .
13 This amendment should ensure that there is a majority of elected members serving on the police authority , either by retaining the present two-thirds requirements , or by providing for a simple majority and they give two main reasons .
14 It was realized , however , that physical efficiency depends on the tasks individuals have to perform and in itself is not a Yes No variable but rather a continuous one .
15 The impact of additions depends on the additions technique used .
16 ( As outlined in section 1.1 , they will orbit around the centre of mass , the position of which depends on the masses M and m . )
17 Coracle Fishing can be seen on the rivers Teifi and Towy
18 They painted the deserts , swept the pampas , glinted on the glass farms , glistened on the algae lakes of the intertwining towns .
19 Another dramatic instance of historical déjà vu came during the miners ' strike , when it was reported that an attack had been made on the police station in Malby , South Yorkshire , scene of an anti-police riot a century earlier when the ‘ new police ’ first arrived there .
20 Previous research on government-industry relations has concentrated either on rapidly declining industries such as steel or high technology sectors such as microelectronics ; relatively little work has been done on the chemicals industry .
21 The Butler-Sloss Report ( Cleveland Report , 1988 ) highlighted the problems in the UK and makes recommendations , and the Children 's Legal Centre has published a booklet ( 1988 ) which concentrates on the procedures professionals should follow when dealing with suspected child abuse .
22 A COMPANION to the 1987 Wills book of Excellence : Cricket , this concentrates on the limited-overs variety , starting with an elegant mini-history of the game , analysing its attractions and flight-path .
23 Fingerspelling requires an unambiguous representation of each letter of the alphabet in order that words from the spoken language can be produced on the hands letter by letter .
24 The speeder , with Ace on the cockpit floor and Daak lying on a concrete slab lying on the weapons deck , soared skywards , into coils of choking smoke .
25 The man holding the torch was , he saw now , one of the local constables he had used on the arms search .
26 He had added that his new possession would need ‘ a bit of doing up ’ , but other engineers working at Nigel 's firm seemed almost as fascinated as he himself , and once it arrived on the premises Nigel remarked jokingly , ‘ Not too many lighthouses were made for a couple of years . ’
27 At Eccles Church of England High School , near her parents ' home at Peel Green , she shone on the sports field .
28 Best wishes to Vera Reeves , a member from this area , who has embarked on the Teachers Training Course and will , we are certain , help carry on the Medau tradition in Hertfordshire .
29 ‘ We discovered there were elms which we could use on the Floors Estate and so the Duke agreed to sell them to us . ’
30 I was also dropped by winch onto a precariously narrow ledge , while reporting on the police rescue team in the Avon Gorge .
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