Example sentences of "[verb] with the great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does he further agree that that needs to be a Europe which is not only open and ready to trade fully with the rest of the world , but also ready to grapple with the greatest danger facing European stability , a danger which was scarcely mentioned at Maastricht , and which must be faced by ensuring that the nations of eastern Europe make it all the way to open democracies and that the vast and scattered nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union is brought under proper control and we prevent a great proliferation of nuclear weapons in the successor states ?
2 The top of the sheet was embossed with the great seal of The President .
3 ‘ I trained with the great Harry Houdini , escape artist extraordinaire . ’
4 I , being regarded as the principal guest , was presented with the greatest delicacy , which appeared to be a part of the breast .
5 Once our boats had been destroyed , we had no means of communicating with the greater world .
6 But … this was an argument that was applied with the greatest selectivity ; it was essentially a stick to beat the aristocracy …
7 It 's not however , solely on the bank balance that Holyfield wants to be bracketed with the great names of his sport .
8 The Great Detective , for all that he figures in mere detective stories , is a figure to parallel with the great poet and the great scientist because in solving the sort of genuinely baffling mystery that confronts him , in fact he goes some way to solving a yet greater mystery , the mystery of the human personality .
9 The Germans then built a defensive fortress ( urbs ) in the border area , which in 983 was captured and burnt by the Danes , an action almost certainly connected with the great Slav rising which followed the death of the emperor Otto II .
10 She was a retired hospital nurse and Mark had often wondered why her noble profession , so intimately connected with the great events of life , should have made her so petty-minded .
11 One essential paradox is that it is those groups who are poorest in terms of resources to cope with difficulties who are beset with the greatest problems .
12 That was indeed an honour after all THEY played with the great man himself .
13 My choice had to be made with the greatest care and the most alert diagnostic skill .
14 Whether the NIRC always acted with the greatest wisdom may be debatable .
15 Philip of Swabia acted with the greatest propriety .
16 He was an artist with the knife , she had heard , and had apprenticed with the great Zarathustra at GenTech BioDiv before his ‘ suspension . ’
17 The harbour was crammed with the great prahus which we had come so far for , but our attempts to communicate with the captains and crewmen were discouraging .
18 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
19 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
20 " It has been dinned into the ears of our members without hesitation or scruple , and we repeat with the greatest force at our command that seamen , to whatever class they may belong , are false to themselves , to their cause and to their country in taking any course that may , even in the smallest degree , weaken the hands of those responsible for the conduct of the present campaign against the most ignoble foe that it has ever become Britain 's duty to tackle " .
21 The suspension , springs and dampers have to be robust to cope with the greater weight of the diesel engine , which can be up to 250lb , and the greater mileage that a diesel might be expected to cover .
22 The rest of the car will also stand up to hard use as well , and diesel cars tend to have bigger batteries and more powerful electrical systems to cope with the greater demands of starting .
23 They were given immensely long platforms , like their military counterparts , some of the longest in the world , and huge circulation areas to cope with the great press of travellers at significant pilgrimage periods .
24 Some Indian railways attempted to cope with the great pressure of third-class passengers by installing them in double-decker carriages , but these had soon to be abandoned because they proved to be unsafe and top-heavy .
25 Thereafter the male priests dressed as women : ‘ To be filled with the Great Mother , to be possessed by her , was the only form of life they desired . ’
26 She was filled with the greatest apprehension about the next couple of days .
27 However , it is Wales that I can paint with the greatest freedom .
28 The kind of information which a long-term participant observer receives must be treated with the greatest circumspection , for it depends ultimately not on whether he or she is carrying a tape-recorder , but on the degree of trust , mutual confiding and general affinity which has developed between researcher and subjects .
29 Whatever the explanation in this case , it is obvious that such claims must be treated with the greatest scepticism .
30 This shows that the Bristol & West is behind you , and says you 're a genuine , serious house-hunter , with real buying power — to be treated with the greatest respect !
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