Example sentences of "[verb] with [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Susan Goldin-Meadow 's subjects were unacquainted deaf children ; but they had normal parents who did not try to communicate with them by gesture , or at least not in sequences as the children did :
2 How do pupils , particularly the girls , respond to the new titles designed with them in mind ?
3 Lintels designed with you in mind
4 ‘ You 'll have to come with me to Auckland for three days , Rachel . ’
5 ‘ Would you like to come with me to Albert 's and see his Mum ? ’
6 You have to come with me to Bill 's house . ’
7 There are several decisions about livestock I want to take while Father is here to advise me , and I must persuade him to come with me to Bodmin market on Thursday .
8 ‘ I want you to come with me to Mr Sunil 's house and let me show you what I think happened to Billy Tuckett . ’
9 I want to come with you to Bavduin .
10 While appearing with them in Berlin in 1937 she tore a ligament and had to give up further hope of dancing .
11 Appearing with her before Wirral magistrates was Craig Blackwell , 23 , of the same address , who admitted allowing fraudulent use of the licence .
12 Exactly the same thing 's happening with them in terms of privatization , market testing .
13 He begins his account at the point where he is considering handing in his resignation and has invited his friends , the generals von Roon and von Moltke , to dine with him in order to discuss the situation .
14 Alexandra thought of calling her back , explaining that Mrs Chamberlin might regret her kind invitation to dine with them on Christmas Day if Alexandra were to upstage the Rectory family in such a way , but then she reflected on the goodness of Mrs Chamberlin 's heart and the necessity of living up to at least some of Lyddy 's expectations of her .
15 And , though the cats have not been polled on this point , I suspect they would share human mistrust of the new and unknown when approached with it by advertising researchers .
16 In 1761 John was apprenticed to the instrument-maker James Champneys and moved with him to Amsterdam in 1768 .
17 In 1916 he moved with them to England , where he was commissioned .
18 The Duke must compromise with them in order to keep his own authority .
19 I have sat with her for hours spooning broth into her and a tedious business it is to make sure any of it goes down .
20 Ghorbanifar remembered how sometimes , driving with him in Europe , North would catch sight of Old Glory : ‘ and when he sees the American flag you can see the change in his eyes .
21 And increasingly , vegetation is influenced by human history — what we decided to plant , or have carried with us by accident .
22 By contrast , the magician seeks to understand the energies of the universe and to work with them in order to bring about changes , ultimately within the self , but including the environment in all its aspects .
23 The performer , like the giver , identifies with Jesus ' call to his disciples to work with him in service .
24 I would be delighted to tell you more about our work and to work with you on issues of common concern .
25 The President appealed to his compatriots to stand with him in support of the war , declaring that its cost in lives " is beyond our power to measure , but the cost of closing our eyes to aggression is beyond mankind 's power to imagine " .
26 Cotte ( pp. 71 – 2 ) distinguishes two main senses of let , the first of which is described as " the non-intervention of an agent in an action which has been initiated independently of him/her and has been going on already for a certain time " , and can be illustrated by : ( 214 ) He would n't even dance with her at Gavin 's party .
27 ‘ I thought I 'd better dance with you in case you wanted another drink . ’
28 But Pappy , who was always so willing to engage with her for hours and talk about school work or play chess , only patted her on the shoulder and fobbed her off with platitudes when the question of her mother came up .
29 I doubt if anyone could have been much more unhappy than I was living with them at Maythorpe House .
30 Older man who 's who 's living with them in Emily 's house .
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