Example sentences of "[verb] with [pers pn] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Someone — teacher , examiner , ‘ assessor ’ — observes the student at work , or perhaps interacts with him/her in some way , or more commonly analyses products of the student 's work .
2 In October , Hopper married Michelle Phillips who had been living with him for some months .
3 Granny had been living with us for some time .
4 A member of the mathematics advisory team was invited by the headteacher to work in the school and while it was not compulsory , it was assumed that every teacher would work with him at some stage .
5 But when we have got such a satisfactory outcome , unless subsequent events show that we have got it wrong , or that we have wrongly read the environment or some other major change , we would aim to stick with it for some years .
6 The arguments for nationalisation , the performance of nationalised industries and the disenchantment that developed with them in some quarters are studied .
7 Craig had been staying with her for some weeks now and she had grown used to seeing him there in her kitchen .
8 The defence authorities have had difficulties in finding researchers to cooperate with them in some fields .
9 It was a considerable risk ; he knew perfectly well that Graham Moloney would certainly disagree with him with some violence .
10 The last thing she wanted , she said , was to live with him in some godforsaken bog , cut off from relatives and shops .
11 Yeah , I just want to get the emphasis back onto that one first , and the products , we accepted it and we 've got to live with it at some point in time , but the longer I can put that off , the better .
12 Gould lost no time venturing into the field , taking with him on some excursions his nephew Henry , who was understandably thrilled by the prospect of driving bullock carts ; his servant James , who he was zealously training in the art of taxidermy ; and sometimes his assistant Gilbert .
13 Informational : The strings have information associated with them from some informational domain
14 er and they might be coming up to stop with us at some time over Easter
15 The state 's involvement offers crucial protection , since failure to accept a coin or tampering with it in some way , like making a forgery , then is regarded as a crime against the state , and serious penalties including execution have frequently been normal for such activities .
16 But nevertheless , agreeing with you to some extent , there are issues in local government , there are issues but s even so people do n't vote .
17 British Red Cross director-general Mike Whitlam said : ‘ We hope she will be able to travel with us at some time . ’
18 I was too upset to eat or drink , but she sat with me for some time , talking gently to me , wiping away my tears , and helping me to recover .
19 Also , I felt I 'd dealt with the first layer and although I was well aware that there were subsequent layers , I thought I would deal with them at some later date .
20 So important a part of our story does Macmillan 's visit to the north become that we must deal with it in some detail , and our main contemporary source for what happened is Macmillan 's own diary entries of the time for 12 and 13 May .
21 In view of the importance of this work for modern literary theory I shall deal with it in some detail in the pages that follow .
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