Example sentences of "[verb] with [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Recovered cases should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
2 A horse that has apparently recovered completely can remain a carrier for a considerable time and therefore should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
3 With food around , surfaces should bc as practical as possible : choose flooring which will not show crumbs and can be mopped up easily ; sideboards should bc provided with protective covers if they are not heatproof ; traditional polished tables might look good , but with children around , you may be better off going for a heatproof , scrubbable surface which can be wiped over quickly ; upholstery should be washable ; wallpaper need not be as tough as the vinyl-coated varieties .
4 It was doubly ironic for Coventry who in the previous few minutes had attacked with more conviction than at any time throughout the game .
5 There are obvious PR advantages in cooperating with such projects when approached , sometimes financial benefits can be achieved as well , where companies are prepared to pay substantial sums for the use of our facilities for filming .
6 for instance , much emphasis is placed upon fighting between tribes , which supposedly occurred with great frequency until such conflicts were stopped by the Russians .
7 She said that she chose to write with other people when she wanted to write a story , because other people helped to think of more ideas , and it was more fun .
8 Or a bed into the smallest bedroom ; — A man from British Telecom trying to use one of those stupid modern phone boxes that are just little booths exposed to the weather ideally when he 's ringing up for details of something and trying to write with one hand while trying to stop the piece of paper blowing away .
9 But these will be the veritable monsters ; a small , compact shoal of double-figure bream which have to be located with absolute precision before we stand any chance of catching them .
10 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
11 79/80 class lists are included with these notes where they were not personally collected on the 21st June .
12 To the best among them he offered opulent breakfasts ending with stronger drink than coffee .
13 It was also expected to increase with light intensity as measured by the radiometer , though the relationship was not predicted , owing to lack of information about the behaviour of the optical RAM .
14 The majority of the letters lend themselves to design shapes , the only problems occurring with such letters as E. If you want to make them really small , the shape will have to be worked in tiny flowers to accommodate all the different angles clearly and give the letter sufficient definition .
15 It was made for the Dolls ' House by Hardy Bros Ltd. and presented by Mr W. Hardy , father of today 's Marketing Director , Mr James Hardy , who found this invitation discarded with some rubbish when the factory moved in 1965 .
16 Use any pastry scraps to decorate the pies and glaze with beaten egg if required .
17 LASMO employees in the Far east responded with typical generosity when an earthquake devastated the East Nusa Tenggara island of Flores .
18 The lionesses were unperturbed on hearing resident males of the pride , but instantly responded with protective behaviour when played the roars of unfamiliar males .
19 Every bootie is tested for freedom from leaks by inflating with compressed air while being stood in a bath of water , but damage by nipping or cutting can occur when the booties are being fitted into the boot .
20 The debate was interspersed with angry exchanges as the small religious parties demanded increased state funding for their seminaries and social institutions .
21 Kate Bristow commented , ‘ It is a real privilege for ACET to be asked to work with such people as they look for ways to develop an effective strategy . ’
22 I like to work with English people because I ractise my English .
23 The changes on the labour market had come with greater rapidity than anticipated , too much reliance had been placed on the automatic adjustments , the mobility , of the market mechanism ’ ( quoted Flanagan et al. , 1983 , p. 605 ) .
24 Each infantry battalion and armoured regiment had to have an operational ‘ peg ’ , but much of the sting was taken out of the Sandys Reformation , as far as the Army was concerned , by many of its regiments having 2nd and 3rd battalions , which could be amalgamated with 1st battalions as National Servicemen ran out , thus preserving regimental traditions .
25 Her eyes were prickling with ridiculous tears when they all settled back down to eat .
26 This same point was made earlier during the discussion of general applications , and examples were given of how it can assist with such things as planning , exploring relationships , putting particular aspects of an organisation into context , etc ; in other words , using it as a basis for creative thinking and logical deduction .
27 And this happens with electric irons as well , and another thing make sure your electric iron cable is in good working order .
28 The shop stocked un-Irish books also , and even the smallest volume was treated and presented with greater care than has ever been known in the bookworm paradises of Charing Cross Road or Hay-on-Wye .
29 In Emily Carew 's presence he was kind and polite and remarkably subdued , listening with infinite patience when she lapsed into wistful nostalgia as she recalled the days when Carewscourt was the centre of social activity in this part of Mayo .
30 If the directors are authorised generally they may also be given power , by the articles or by the resolution , to allot equity securities as if section 89(1) did not apply or applied with such modifications as the directors determined .
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