Example sentences of "[verb] you [vb base] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 hot water bottles are useful for keeping you warm at any time of the day or night .
2 Hot water bottles are useful for keeping you warm at any time of the day or night .
3 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
4 seriously by the time yeah , you get a bus out of here , say it 's cancelled you leave at twelve o'clock .
5 Well that 's right , yes , and the other thing as well , I should n't really be telling you this , , because it 's bad news for us but , if you in fact write a long , rambling press release , what you will find is that the journalist will almost , almost certainly go three-quarters of the way down it to find the real story which is hidden in there , and occasionally that real story is purposely hidden down in there , and you know you look at any council minutes , and the real story is always , inevitably hidden down there , because it 's the bit that somebody does n't want people to know about , and so journalists are naturally trained to go down the bit to find out what 's it about .
6 Well the , all the others go on a Saturday but Heidi said she would be in it if she did n't have to go on Saturday , every Saturday , because she goes riding you see at nine o'clock nine till four so er Wendy said oh she 'll have her up on a Sunday afternoon the two or three principals .
7 She said not until five past , Mrs said you can get up them stairs , she said you go at ten minutes early every day !
8 Although they did n't , they did n't act illegally , they did n't say right , we 're going to make the redundancy payment act , but what they did say you retire at fifty , we will make your we will enhance your pension to what you would have got at age sixty , we will enhance your lump sum to what you would have got at age sixty and erm give you a redundancy payment from the firm and obviously everybody fifty and plus they 've gone in thousands , they had enormous waiting lists and then they had to say no , you ca n't go you know , too many people wanted to go .
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