Example sentences of "[verb] you [adv] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 D' you really think me legs are pretty ? ’
2 Adam briefly described how the triple portrait had been slashed and added , ‘ D' you really expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with it ?
3 She said no I think I 'll go home I 'll be alright , so I took her back home about eleven and erm erm I kept phoning her every hour on the hour just to make sure she 's alright , then I said I want you just to promise me one thing you 're not do anything silly , I 'm here , I do n't care what it takes , I 'm here , so she said alright then , so I said it 'll break mum 's heart it 'll break dad 's heart ,
4 You may think you just nursed me .
5 I did n't think you even liked me very much at the moment , let alone … let alone cared sufficiently to want to marry me … ’
6 ‘ I do n't think you really want me to . ’
7 He finds his own words for the mood in a letter to Helen on 6 May '98 : ‘ I am glad my unkind letter allowed you nevertheless to write me so sweet a reply , and besides , to be so sweet tempered , and , as I hope , unhurt save for a moment .
8 ‘ Of course , ’ she said , ‘ I know you still blame me for what happened at Angmering . ’
9 Remember you once offered me a job ?
10 ‘ I remember you once told me how you spent a lot of time on the Algarve when you were young , ’ Vitor said , ‘ but I had no idea which area you came to . ’
11 I knew that was coming you only leave me to do the shit , I never get the good stuff just the crap ah shut up what was that ?
12 ‘ You believe you never tell me what to do , and then you are suddenly shocked .
13 ‘ He 'd pay you well to release me . ’
14 ‘ Mikhail … we are still comparative strangers , but I would have hoped you already knew me better than that .
15 Just pretend you never saw me . ’
16 I bet you never saw me as the faithful little wife .
17 Did you honestly expect me to leave a job half done ?
18 Did you honestly expect me to let him go out there and die alone ?
19 Did you honestly expect me to stay home at the barn and carry on as if nothing had happened after you threw all those accusations at me ?
20 Excuse me , did you just push me ?
21 ‘ Did — did you just kiss me ? ’ she croaked .
22 What did you just call me ?
23 Did you just call me a fu , I think I just recorded that ?
24 Did you really miss me ? ’ he asked cautiously , as if doubting her answer even now .
25 ‘ When did you ever tell me what was really going on in your head ?
26 ‘ What consideration did you ever show me ? ’
27 When did you ever give me one ? ’
28 ‘ Tell me , Mark , did you ever love me ? ’
29 When did you ever put me first in your life ? ’ he demanded angrily , before taking a deep breath and clearly making a determined effort to pull himself together .
30 Did you ever hear me describe Fangio 's ? ’
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