Example sentences of "[verb] you [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 OK , ’ he decided , ‘ Once we get home , a bite of lunch , and I 'll beam you up for a quick one . ’
2 They can give you more for a start .
3 Have n't seen you around for a while . ’
4 I have n't seen you around for a couple of days . "
5 I 'm sorry , Ellie ; I let you in for a hard time , did n't I ? ’
6 ‘ I should like to see you alone for a moment , Caroline , if you please . ’
7 " He asked you in for a drink without asking me ? "
8 In fact we have n't got you down for a paper at all in this class yet I do n't think so if you 'd like to do one for us you can see me about it afterwards .
9 they might keep you in for a longer rest
10 I know what you mean , your husband 's gon na miss you there for a couple of nights
11 Yes , have a little nap ; it 'll set you up for a day 's work tomorrow .
12 We 'd sure love to put you up for a few days . ’
13 ‘ It 's like a man takes you out for a meal and he 's thinking , ‘ I let her have an horsd'oeuvre , so I can definitely ask her to wear the handcuffs later on . ' ’
14 A week or two before the Board Meeting at which the Pub Catering proposals are due to be considered , John Watson calls you in for a talk .
15 But I have n't called you here for a professional opinion . ’
16 Yeah can I just stop you just for a second ?
17 Can I just , can I just stop you there for a minute .
18 We can say we 're going to have to keep you off for a bit longer yet .
19 ‘ I 'd invite you in for a chat , ’ said Joe , ‘ but I 'm just about to go out .
20 ‘ Why do n't I take you out for a nice dinner this evening ?
21 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
22 ‘ How about letting me take you out for a pub lunch ?
23 Alright yeah not so bad mate , we 'll have to erm take you out for a , for dinner one day soon and er give you a chat what , you know , what we look for and er to scratch m my back and I 'll scratch yours .
24 what I 'll probably do is take you out for a little while so you can go up and see Annie and all that , next week , not only a
25 their , their supply routes are n't as well defined as ours , but they 've got shear weight of numbers , see , I 'm af , I 'm afraid , I could be a fucking karate black belt or something right , so one on one against you I would n't have a problem , but if you went and got fucking thirty of your mates I would have a problem , I maybe able to hold you off for a fucking few minutes or something or if you could either contact , maybe a few months or years or something , but they will win
26 Er right I 'll just leave you there for a moment and put that back up there .
27 Trade you in for a couple of camels , he 'd come home with a couple of camels
28 ‘ I almost took you seriously for a minute .
29 Oh it 's nice to have you there for a walk
30 Harry Little — the turnstile operator who would let you in for a penny or five Capstan Full Strength .
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