Example sentences of "[verb] that on [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of finding Whites had more favourable attitudes to the police than Blacks , and had been stopped , etc. , less ( as found in the studies of larger areas ) , we found that on some measures Whites were similar to Blacks in their attitude and experience , though there was still a tendency for Blacks to be less favourable to the police .
2 On Aug. 9 the firm admitted that on several occasions in 1990 it had manipulated auctions of US securities by bidding for more than 35 per cent of the securities on offer , thereby exceeding the government 's ceiling on acquisitions by primary dealers .
3 I argued that on some occasions there might simply not be enough acoustic information to make a decision , and cited psycholinguistic experiments on the intelligibility of words in certain contexts .
4 I am on record as having said that on many occasions in the House — If the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East spent more time listening and less time intervening from a sedentary position , he might hear what Conservative Members have to say , some of which is not entirely contradictory to what he wants .
5 He remembered that Suragai had said that on most worlds men did not ride , and he wondered how they managed .
6 The survey shows that on some issues consumer confidence in the early part of last month was the highest for two years .
7 It had n't helped that on both occasions the rest of us had laughed at Frank 's remarks .
8 These figures were produced in support of the employers ' position in the course of a bitter wage dispute ; the weavers claimed that on some types of cloth they could hardly make 4d ( 2p ) a day .
9 These were not people with chronic or serious illnesses and yet they claimed that on most days they had some sort of ache or pain or just a feeling of being ‘ run down ’ or ‘ drained ’ .
10 The World Bank reckons that on most measures of welfare it ranks down with much of sub-Saharan Africa , and only a bit above Haiti .
11 It is difficult to summarise them , but , broadly , both they and the Cumberbatch survey confirm the public support for televising , suggest that interest waned slightly as novelty wore off , indicate that on some matters there is growing understanding of Parliament , but make plain that many people still have a lot to learn about MPs and their work and roles .
12 The graphs indicate that on these measures there have been substantial changes over the post-war period .
13 Magistrates heard that on both occasions she was travelling at more than ninety miles an hour .
14 The combination of careful timing by the female cuckoo , together with a short incubation period , ensures that on most occasions this happens .
15 They 'll knit that on these machines so they 'll stitch transfer , they 'll cable , they 'll , they 'll do base .
16 ‘ Lord Justice Bingham concluded that perhaps that could have been done more fully , but a careful reading of the report discloses that on several occasions that is precisely what Price Waterhouse did . ’
17 This meant that on some occasions they would be conducted by Busacher , on others by Anton , the old répétiteur , and in emergencies by their own lead violinist .
18 So it will just mean that on those cases , on approximately forty , their arrears letter will be going out a couple of weeks late .
19 I have to confess that on many occasions I have had recourse to Hansard , of course only to check if my interpretation had conflicted with an express Parliamentary intention , but I can say that it does not take long to recall and assemble the relevant passages in which the particular section was dealt with in Parliament , nor does it take long to see if anything relevant was said .
20 The court thought that on these facts it was potentially misleading to give the full Ghosh direction .
21 Try that on several cars in the Escort-class , and you will sometimes watch the back of the car overtake the front .
22 The experience of the Highlands and Islands Development Board ( 23 ) indicates that on those farms using HIDB loans to assist development schemes , full-time labour ( occupiers and workers ) increased by 30% between 1969 and 1972 compared with a regional decline of 8% during the same period .
23 In making the change , the Church effectively admitted that on these points the Reformers had been in the right .
24 With the anti-roll bar up front , the car rolls less than it used to and has a jigglier low-speed ride , but it 's true to say that on all models I drove the quality of ride was largely good .
25 Standing lonely and remote in a geographical position roughly half way between the Orkneys and Shetland Islands people that know Fair Isle would perhaps agree that on most days it rather belies a somewhat optimistic name .
26 But Evans suggests that on some newspapers speed is valued more than polish and on a busy evening a deskman will find stories arriving faster than he can edit them .
27 It was held that on these facts the plaintiff had a good cause of action .
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