Example sentences of "[verb] that on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Epstein concluded that management of stress among the experienced parachutists was not due to their repeated exposure to jumping in the manner of a conditioned response , but was a consequence of an active coping process that on each occasion was used to prepare them for the coming jump .
2 ‘ However , in fairness to Price Waterhouse , it should also be stressed that on other occasions — for example , in April and October 1990 — when the firm had made its audit report to the directors of BCCI , it ensured that some information was passed on to the Bank of England .
3 Several commentators have claimed that on this expedition Gould 's party was the first ever to reach the great western bend of the Murray overland from Adelaide .
4 It was reported that on New Year 's Day these were closed by 3.30 p.m .
5 It is reported that on 22 March Nijazi Beqa and five other political prisoners there went on a hungers-strike against their conditions .
6 We found that on two occasions it was unable to copy a large file across 5 floppy discs .
7 Instead of finding Whites had more favourable attitudes to the police than Blacks , and had been stopped , etc. , less ( as found in the studies of larger areas ) , we found that on some measures Whites were similar to Blacks in their attitude and experience , though there was still a tendency for Blacks to be less favourable to the police .
8 On 6 February 1945 Himmler 's deputy , Berger , reported that on 30 January all the men commanded by Domanov had enthusiastically sworn loyalty to Hitler ( for a more detailed record of the Cossacks ' relations with Himmler , see Appendix II ) .
9 ‘ From the beginning , that court has acted upon no narrow view of the cases covered by its duty to quash a conviction when it thinks that on any ground there was a miscarriage of justice …
10 The whole group burst out laughing and agreed that on that occasion she should be ‘ let off ’ her reading .
11 In a dramatic personal speech , Mr Lamont disclosed that on Black Wednesday the Prime Minister wrote to him saying he was not resigning ‘ and I should not do so either ’ .
12 They deny that on various occasions unknown between May 1989 and October 1991 they committed indecent offences and raped the sisters in houses in Glasgow .
13 The 1910 dispute , which is particularly well documented in the press as well as in manuscript sources , enables us to see that on this occasion at least , the women did not stand by and wait for it to be resolved over their heads .
14 ‘ I write to confirm that on 5 October 1989 you were represented at the hearing to oppose the plaintiff being granted an injunction preventing you from selling the property .
15 It is a great joy to report that on this doctrine a growing convergence is coming about between Catholics and Protestants as we have begun the demanding task of doing theology together .
16 On Aug. 9 the firm admitted that on several occasions in 1990 it had manipulated auctions of US securities by bidding for more than 35 per cent of the securities on offer , thereby exceeding the government 's ceiling on acquisitions by primary dealers .
17 We may be pardoned for reproducing a part of the opinion of The American Annals of the Deaf of this quarter on the subject : " The retention of the word " Dumb " — which in America has been dropped from the titles of the Convention of Instructors , The National Association , and several State Associations of the Deaf , and many schools , as well as from the United States Census — is probably due to a vote to that effect by the conference held in London last January ; but as our British friends who constitute the Association seem to favour American precedents , we trust that on further consideration they will follow our example in this respect alone , and omit the objectionable word from their title " .
18 I argued that on some occasions there might simply not be enough acoustic information to make a decision , and cited psycholinguistic experiments on the intelligibility of words in certain contexts .
19 But then Carver had heard that on other occasions he used the same language about Galvone .
20 It added that on present trends , the number of children being born each year was likely to peak in about the year 2000 .
21 It is reckoned that on one occasion 15000 people attended a prayer meeting in Armagh .
22 Pete says that on one flight recently he was up in the air for nine hours so you have to take food and drink with you to keep going … in this country survival is not a problem but it can be hard when you 're flying across deserts and things like that
23 The mechanic says that on that year the truck the part was handcrafted in Zogmolia near Flelzonia and not only is it double reverse threaded but that its made from a rare alloy rendered from toxic wastes in New Jersey ; however , he has assured me while trying to hold back a laugh and spraying spittle all over me he knows a junk yard on Mars where he can get the part soon .
24 A handwritten memo in the Public Record Office says that on 30 October Mayne was ordered to leave the railway alone and concentrate on destroying petrol supplies .
25 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
26 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
27 Can the right hon. Gentleman confirm that on 6 March 1991 , in answer to question 40 , Rear Admiral Pirnie said that Britain could maintain a continuous patrol with three Trident submarines , and that with one submarine in refit we could still maintain a continuous patrol with only two submarines ?
28 Tests comparing the RISC with the VAX using similar C compilers show that on average RISC uses only two-thirds more instructions and RISC programs were only about 50 percent larger even though size optimisation was virtually ignored .
29 Figures published by the Department of Industry ( DTI ) show that on current trends emissions of carbon dioxide in Britain will probably continue to rise over the next thirty years .
30 Data on bedrock surfaces in desert regions show that on dark rocks temperatures of 80°C can be attained by solar radiation and diumal ranges of 50°C are not uncommon .
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