Example sentences of "[verb] that in [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Suggest that in small groups they make an image to show what it 's like to experience conflicting feelings — of sorrow , loss , relief , excitement , hope , expectation .
2 I suggest that in future Councillors and concentrate on engaging their brains before they start putting pen to paper
3 The data provided suggest that in all cases the prevalence of morbidity increases significantly with age .
4 Reports suggest that in many areas , textbooks and materials are anyway not available , since provincial traders are not interested in distributing them .
5 They suggest that in many circumstances , and particularly more recently , the central problems facing management are not so much to do with control over labour but are much more to do with such matters as obtaining orders for products , getting the design right , innovating , and handling their relations with the capital market .
6 Some partial statistics in February 1874 suggest that in certain firms the number was rising particularly fast .
7 Weber 's observations on status groups are important since they suggest that in certain situations status rather than class provides the basis for the formation of social groups whose members perceive common interests and a group identity .
8 I would like to extend this idea and suggest that in larger homes there are likely to be groups of residents with particular needs requiring appropriate provision , such as those with severe physical disability , considerable mental infirmity , ethnic minority elders more estranged than usual in a residential environment , and those who are terminally ill or dying .
9 They suggest that in previous eras BBC Scotland got what was in essence a block grant from London in respect of costs of making programmes for Scotland .
10 Wahler and Dumas ( 1986 ) suggest that in these families the only predictable response that the child receives from the mother is that she behaves aggressively when he does .
11 Conclusions from the Dragon Project suggest that in some cases the stone circle can act as a ‘ shield ’ from outside energies .
12 With regard to intrauterine devices we suggest that in some women developing endometriosis while using them the disease goes unrecognised and they are treated by removal of the device .
13 Recent developments in Australia suggest that in some respects that country is further along the road than Britain in formulating a policy response to the obvious inequalities found there .
14 The report also adds that in those cases , ‘ off-farm income averaged £12,500 in 1988 , rising to £13,500 in 1989 ’ .
15 The so-called White Memorandum ( March 1942 ) proposed that in such districts the Churches ( in practice , the Church of England ) must give up their schools .
16 He points out first that those who are aware of the finer points of history will know that in former days ( or " the earliest days ' : the meticulous ulema were authorized to give fetvas individually according to the requirement of a particular time .
17 Because how does Philip know that in five years ' time , I 'm not going to ring him up and say , hey you know when you recommended me to invest my money in the Japanese fund , well it 's just gone through the bottom of the market .
18 Many local authorities in their standing orders provide that in such circumstances the member of the council should leave the meeting , but if the standing orders do not so provide , the member may not be required to leave .
19 It is salutary to be reminded that in many situations and many respects society is not simply divisible into two parts , the majority and the minority , but is in fact a conglomeration of minorities , none of which can have a democratic claim to dominate , and which must therefore learn to live with each other .
20 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
21 Even if we agree with his general hypothesis , we have to accept that in some instances people will eat the dead bodies of other people — if only in order to stay alive .
22 But it still makes me angry to know that in other countries so many children die , so many families are bereaved , simply because they lack basic health care .
23 It might also have disturbed them to know that in such circumstances what is still a fairly new and effective lifeline for them would have been ruled out — insurance .
24 The first two types of educational computing in the list above are at the moment basically the province of such departments — but it is good to know that in many schools and colleges there are strong links with mathematics .
25 We propose that in Raji cells the accumulation of a repressor is prevented , thus allowing gene expression .
26 Investigators from the Mine Safety and Health Administration ( MSHA ) report that in many cases dust had been vacuumed or blown out of sampling devices prior to being sent to inspectors .
27 The company has claimed that in environmental terms , there is " little to choose " between pampers and traditional cloth nappies .
28 We make no presumption about the right size of authority that will emerge in an area , but we expect that in most areas a system based on unitary authorities would be the most popular and effective .
29 ‘ I realise that in many ways I have been extraordinarily fortunate , and I never stop counting my blessings .
30 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
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