Example sentences of "[verb] that the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Others suggest that the first Hereford ancestor was a cow called Silver who , with her calf , was bequeathed to Benjamin Tomkins by his father Richard in 1720 , and indeed Benjamin 's son , Benjamin the younger , became the great improver of the breed in the 1760s .
2 I suggest that the first thing is erm comments on what recommendation you will be thinking of making to the church in regard to the visit of er Mr and Mrs .
3 Okahata and his colleagues suggest that the first step in our perception of smells occurs when odorous substances are absorbed by the lipid bilayer of a cell .
4 In the 1960s there is evidence that the process of equalisation began to slow down somewhat and statistics suggest that the first oil shock of 1973 actually reversed the trend altogether with disparities tending to widen .
5 However , we do know that the first import into Trinidad was Bhaluk Princess Barbella , imported by Mrs Margaret Wattley .
6 The chairman , Sir Ernest Harrison , promised that the first half loss would be reversed in the second half , but pressure on margins is not going to go away .
7 Benn promised that the first thing he would do when returning home would be to go straight to see Michael Watson .
8 I think we had to accept that the first programmes were just to get the whole thing working really erm .
9 It is expected that the first demonstration will compute the exercise boundary of US options with continuously paid dividends and will be tested using a simulated data feed .
10 It must not be forgotten that the first person to give evidence about the injuries is going to be the plaintiff .
11 But in his innocence — and Murrells was , administratively speaking , an innocent — he had forgotten that the first prerequisite of British control was to identify the men who would function as British agents , so that they could , in the event of unsatisfactory performance , be replaced .
12 It will be recalled that Thales , the first Greek philosopher , was Ionian , and he maintained that the first principle ( arche ) of all things is water .
13 Travelling abroad , in defiance of all customary diplomatic niceties , the Romanian couple began to demand that the First Deputy Prime Minister receive the same awards as her husband .
14 In a field landing it often happens that on the final approach or even during the hold off you realise that the first part of the field is not as smooth as it is further along .
15 Yet , when will he and others of like mentality realise that the first rule of the road must always be to give priority to unprotected people , whatever the circumstances ?
16 The old zeks , the long-term men , they say that the first months in the camps are the hardest .
17 The old ones say that the first morning , the first experience of dawn in the camps , is the greatest test .
18 But , used in conjunction with a scoring algorithm , it can guarantee that the first answer is one of the optimal ones .
19 We all took off on the last hundred yards ' dash and I was mildly surprised to find that the first man past the post was myself — and I was n't really out of breath .
20 I use a punchcard roll and began by punching out the customary two rows of holes for the overlapping join , only to find that the first row stretched the plastic slightly , giving a wavy edge .
21 ( Note : it was something of a surprise , given the above , to find that the first batch of UK product still had the American manuals … )
22 Mendel crossed tall peas with short peas and found that the first generation were always tall .
23 This clause should be amended to provide that the first rent payment will be due on the Rent Commencement Date .
24 Lippmann 's view , like J. S. Mill 's , was that the electors have the right to choose their rulers or government , but beyond that they should leave government to govern without interference or pressure : " Their duty is to fill the office and not to direct the office-holder. " ( p. 46 ) A not dissimilar view was put forward by Bernard Crick , who said of referenda , the power to recall representatives and other devices for popular intervention : " They forget that the first business of government is to govern …
25 This pseudo-cleft structure would signal that the first part ‘ we are attempting to draw something in this book ’ is given and the second part ‘ this something is a general picture ’ is new .
26 If it is impossible to find a frame with a high tone in such a position it is recommended that the first part of the frame consists of 3–4 syllables , i.e. is n't too short , so as to give enough reference points .
27 Erm now erm as regards when it happens to people erm , again going back to this B B C Childwatch Survey um of girls sixty percent reported that the first incident happened when they were ten , forty percent of boys reported the first incident occurred when they were under ten so it seems , if you look at the sort of average , averages are quite deceptive in this area but nevertheless if you look at the average um it seems to happen slightly earlier for girls than for boys .
28 Radio Cotonou reported that the first round took place " in a calm and serious atmosphere " .
29 Russian radio reported that the first group of 14th Army troops had left Moldova on May 26 , and that airborne units stationed in Kishinev would withdraw between June 15 and Sept. 1 .
30 Secretary reported that the first set of four photographs had proved to be very popular and sales to date had covered costs .
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