Example sentences of "[verb] that [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that a large quantity of spent shells from a plane ahead went through the nose and had struck Ed .
2 The same day it transpired that an additional factor had been the judge 's decision to dismiss " public interest immunity " certificates which had been signed by four senior ministers and which would have prevented the disclosure of certain information about the case .
3 It only afterwards transpired that the seedy man was not a reporter but his tutor , with whom he was not otherwise acquainted . ’
4 It transpired that the left side of the nose splitter has been damaged , perhaps when Baldi had clipped Brundle 's Jaguar in one of his passing attempts , perhaps as a result of ‘ trapped ’ vibration from a high-speed engine misfire .
5 So it transpired that the elusive Zephro Carnelian was a trusted roving agent for the Ordo Hydra .
6 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
7 It transpired that the previous evening students from the Asrama Merdeka led by Wikana along with student followers of Sjahrir presented an ultimatum to Sukarno : you must proclaim independence immediately .
8 It transpired that the whole street had been summoned to hear the declaration .
9 I beg to move , That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty , praying that the Social Security ( Adjudication ) Amendment ( No. 2 ) Regulations 1991 ( S.I. , 1991 , No. 1950 ) , dated 30th August 1991 , a copy of which was laid before this House on 30th August , in the last Session of Parliament , be annulled .
10 That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty , praying that the Social Security ( Attendance Allowance ) Regulations 1991 ( S.I. , 1991 , No. 2740 ) , dated 5th December 1991 , a copy of which was laid before this House on 5th December , be annulled .
11 That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty , praying that the Social Security ( Claims and Payments ) Amendment Regulations 1991 ( S.I. , 1991 , No. 2741 ) , dated 5th December 1991 , a copy of which was laid before this House on 5th December , be annulled .
12 Foreign investors are beginning to worry that the Mexican peso is less solid than it looks .
13 All of this leads Fred and Beth to worry that the fatal combination of an explosion of ‘ free time ’ with a booming global market in consumer goods and leisure industries will spell the death of their great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long — individual self-realization , mutuality in work and levelling out of global economic inequalities .
14 There is no denying that a good aromatherapy massage is a truly divine experience ; and giving massage can be enjoyable too .
15 The most we can get is convincing parallelisms between the two and the fact that some parallelisms are much more difficult than others and have hitherto not been attempted is no reason for denying that a choreographic genius like Massine has the right to attempt this .
16 Two weeks ago , President Askar Akayev , a quantum physicist by profession and a liberal of impeccable credentials , was forced to issue a statement denying that a mass deportation of Russians was planned .
17 There was no denying that the new corset had an impressive effect on her waist , but the dress disconcerted her — the first true evening dress she had ever had — because it left her shoulders quite bare as well as a considerable amount of — of , well , upper bosom , and all her arms .
18 The second point that I want to make is I 'm not denying that the western relief road would bring some improvement and if the western relief road did not damage did not cause serious environmental damage , I would not be arguing against it .
19 There is no denying that the present government has done something to influence both sides of this equation .
20 By now denying that the arm's-length principle applies to national museums Lord Armstrong makes me wonder how he interpreted his new role when he moved from being Mrs Thatcher 's Cabinet Secretary to being her choice as Chairman of the V & A. If he saw himself as dutifully executing government policy over the V & A 's restructuring it is understandable that he did not subsequently feel constrained to resign , nor to dismiss his director , when it had become clear to the museum 's staff that the essence of the restructuring separation of research from ‘ object-management ’ had been abandoned as unworkable .
21 There was no denying that the Soviet Embassy was large , enormous , one might say , making lilliputian a convoy of Russian lorries parked outside from which , mysteriously , soldiers in olive green and red were taking canteens of food .
22 Bentham was willing , however , on the basis of his version of the command theory of law to take the heroic step of denying that the common law was law .
23 Police sources in Amsterdam have recently disclosed that a forty-three year old man from the city , whom they arrested last October for stealing rare editions from the university library of Amsterdam , has removed books , title-pages and maps from several other libraries in Holland .
24 In July it was disclosed that the Soviet Union was owed the equivalent of 87,500 million ( 25 per cent in convertible currencies ) , but much of this was believed to be for arms sales to poorer countries who were unable to repay it .
25 To give an example of how inadequate official testing can be , at Swansea , where a hell of a lot of people use the sea for recreation , until 1989 it was not disclosed that the official testing point in the sewage outfall pipe was above the point where commercial waste was joining the system .
26 The move came as the Bond group disclosed that the fifth deadline for its A$2.5billion brewing deal with New Zealand 's Lion Nathan had passed without agreement , and that the basis of talks was to change .
27 It has been supposed that a vocal response must necessarily emanate from the left hemisphere and that a stimulus presented in the left half field of vision must therefore be transferred from the right to the left hemisphere .
28 I refer in that context to the observations of Lord President Cooper in MacCormick v. The Lord Advocate in 1953 , when Lord Cooper , generally regarded as one of the foremost Scottish jurists of this century , said : ’ The principle of the unlimited sovereignty of Parliament is a distinctively English principle which has no counterpart in Scottish constitutional law Considering that the Union legislation extinguished the Parliaments of Scotland and England and replaced them by a new Parliament , I have difficulty in seeing why it should have been supposed that the new Parliament of Great Britain must inherit all the peculiar characteristics of the English Parliament but none of the Scottish Parliament , as if all that happened in 1707 was that Scottish representatives were admitted to the Parliament of England .
29 It is supposed that the major factor behind this trend is the financial pressure faced by local authorities , especially as a result of reductions in the amount of central government grant that they receive .
30 — Despite arguments to the contrary ( Duporte , 1965 ; Matsuda , 1970 ) , it may be supposed that the thoracic terga consisted primitively of three simple segmental plates ( the nota ) between which lay small intersegmental sclerites ( Snodgrass , 1927 ) .
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