Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] or [num] " in BNC.

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1 I had expected that one or two of the fry might tentatively explore this new hiding place ; what in fact happened was that the ENTIRE brood crammed themselves into it within a minute of my putting it in the tank .
2 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
3 Forgetting about the Japanese for a moment , I had bee forecasting that one or two of the big six would go out of business as independent companies .
4 Coleridge and Southey optimistically calculated that two or three hours daily labour would be all that was required , and that the remaining time could be given up to ‘ study , liberal discussions , and the education of their children ’ .
5 This was brought home to me recently when the Conservation Officer of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust countered my defence of canoeing and canoeists by accepting that two or three canoeists are no problem in a sensitive area , whereas a large group does cause unacceptable disturbance to wildlife .
6 He added that two or three state industries would be privatized and that efforts would be made to streamline the administration of the rest , making them self-financing .
7 I 'm disturbed that one or two suppliers of environmentally-friendly products seem to be adopting conventionally unscrupulous tactics in order to sell their goods .
8 Judging by the amount of political column inches devoted to stating the ‘ obvious ’ irrationality of the programme 's political contentions , it would appear that one or two ‘ sensible ’ capitalist newspaper owners and editors did take time off from lunch to ensure the sensible British public did not get the wrong idea about A Very British Coup .
9 Health authorities have no requirement to publish annual reports , but as explained in chapter 9 , it would appear that one or two do , and that many finance officers are now more prepared to entertain personal enquiries on an individual basis .
10 Although largely confined to salt water in Sussex , there are sufficient inland records to suggest that one or two mergansers can be found on inland waters every winter .
11 You may remember that two or three years ago , we made an attempt to consult you by producing a discussion paper , Woman , Status and Role , Life and Mission , which resulted in the report , Do Not Be Afraid .
12 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
13 The ‘ grand total ’ of responses to each of the ten questions in the checklist is shown in appendix 4 , and from this we can see that one or two particularly striking polarities stand out .
14 Hardenberger also recalls that the BBC PO 's York performance of Endless Parade — a work so difficult in its string scoring that two or three other orchestras have actually refused to play it with him — is the best he has taken part in so far .
15 I suspect that two or three really close friends are all that we can manage if we are to give and receive all the important things that friendship offers .
16 He would never expressly suggest that one or two might go down , but would rather point to an accumulation of profits as deriving from several shares and not just one .
17 However , in the absence of much evidence for the quality of tessellation at Withington ( some fragments of mosaic D are preserved in the British Museum ) , significant stylistic affinities still indicate that one or two craftsmen working here had also worked on the Barton Farm and Woodchester mosaics , i.e. suggesting an integral relationship .
18 One Russian officer is reported to have advised his western counterparts to ‘ take seriously ’ rumours that three or four weapons have disappeared in Kazakhstan .
19 We believe that one or two buy-outs will be allowed to succeed , but that many SBG assets will be sold to the crude private sector .
20 I understand that two or three days are required to complete it all .
21 Jack appreciated that thirty or forty years later he might never have been born .
22 Stalwarts claim that five or six new MPs are interested in joining the group , but only two , Malcolm Chisholm and Lynne Jones , publicly backed Livingstone .
23 My first instinct was to back the car and find a different way round , but then in the headlights I saw that three or four men were all dressed in black shirts .
24 Cicely Hamilton commented in the course of a debate with G. K. Chesterton at Queen 's Hall in 1919 : ‘ Do you suppose that forty or fifty years ago a woman would have dared to stand up on a platform and say , without the slightest shame , that she was over thirty and unmarried ?
25 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
26 The extra long trigger ( 50mm ) means that two or three fingers can be used , rather than the conventional single-finger action , thus spreading the load .
27 When I get out of my train at Victoria and look about me at the other two hundred — mostly strangers , not least so those whose names as early schoolfellows dawn on me when they disappeared , — I sometimes think that one or two of us ought to speak out instead of just voting and making a remark in the complaint book once or twice a year and writing to a newspaper less often .
28 However , most experts agree that two or three sunbed sessions before your annual holiday in the sun cause negligible harm .
29 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
30 Contrary to rumour our Clubreps are not Masters of the Universe , although even we admit that one or two of them seem superhuman .
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