Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A press statement was issued by Ron Gilbert on behalf of the council , emphatically denying that medical evidence of alleged child abuse had been ‘ leaked ’ to a Sunday newspaper .
2 An internal memo by a senior employee at the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado has disclosed that substantial amounts of highly radioactive plutonium are stored in unsafe or untested containers and in unstable condition and are not suitably protected against fire .
3 On Sept. 3 Minister of Defence Samba Lamine Mane disclosed that large numbers of soldiers had deserted because of appalling living standards ; every armed forces unit had been affected by desertions ( he did not specify the exact number ) , and 80 army and naval officers were threatening to strike if there were no improvement in food and accommodation .
4 Bohncke proposes from detailed pollen analyses of several pollen profiles that human clearance of these pockets began as early as 7600 , 5000 , and 4200 B.P ..
5 Here we describe geochemical and microbiological studies which suggest that contemporary formation of siderite concretions in a salt-marsh sediment results from the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria .
6 In modern Britain studies of ‘ elite self-recruitment ’ suggest that certain types of job , such as senior positions in the Civil Service , are usually filled by those who have attended public school .
7 Answers given by the forty women in the sample to questions about work tasks suggest that certain characteristics of housework may be more or less uniformly experienced as dissatisfying while others are potentially rewarding .
8 The statements suggest that annual reports of plcs and large private companies should include a statement about directors ' responsibilities , acknowledging the role directors ' play in the preparation of the financial statements , and their responsibilities for the decision on whether a going concern basis is appropriate , and for ensuring that adequate financial controls are in place .
9 Moreover , recent findings suggest that increased levels of luteinising hormone , which may also be associated with hyperinsulinaemia , might decrease the spontaneous chance of conceiving and increase spontaneous abortion rates .
10 As Myc and Max should preferentially form heterodimers ( Fig. 3 b ) , we suggest that mitogenic induction of Myc expression leads to a shift in the equilibrium from Max+Max to Myc+Max .
11 Other unification schemes suggest that other modes of proton decay should be more common , such as the decay into a muon and two .
12 These findings suggest that low doses of cyclosporin can be given for prolonged periods to patients with ulcerative colitis with minimal nephrotoxicity .
13 Populist theories of political democracy which suggest that meaningful forms of social organization can emerge from a principle of " one man , one vote " fudge the issue .
14 But the records suggest that large flocks of Wigeon have stayed for much shorter periods in many inland localities since 1964 as a result of the generally drier conditions .
15 First impressions in the field suggest that large areas of ice-free Antarctica are sterile .
16 Taken together , these findings suggest that local generation of NO participates in the regulation of gall bladder motility in guinea pigs .
17 The rapid advances in this field suggest that computational analogues of human reasoning abilities will become increasingly difficult to distinguish from the real thing , and if a mechanistic view of biological systems is taken , this in itself may provide sufficient proof of the ability of non-biological systems to develop the ability to process ideas and communicate concepts .
18 Lipkin proposed that upward expansion of the proliferative compartment of the crypts of the large intestine occurs before adenoma development .
19 Because of the vague character of ‘ disorderly conduct , ’ the White Paper proposed that actual feelings of harassment or alarm must be experienced by the bystander , and the best evidence of that would be direct testimony from the victim .
20 Having said that , we do know that large amounts of lead are harmful .
21 The milk bottle on the kitchen table , the women knitting and despising their menfolk with brilliant bitter humour , the crowded nights in the Underground station , all capture that incomparable spirit of the Londoner , and one of glorious Londoner in particular — Vi , the courageous mother of the Kray twins .
22 However , it should be stressed that different types of organizations will require differing types of budgets to enable them to function effectively .
23 We are not to know that new methods of correlation will not he developed ( as spores , hystrichospheres , etc. , have been developed in recent years ) to correlate the least promising.looking formations , Ultimately perhaps we shall have a little black box into which we only have to pop our rock specimen for its age to he read automatically on a dial .
24 The New York office would like to know that little item of information , I 'll bet . ’
25 Similarly , in completion of the Investigation part of each Short Course , it is again expected that appropriate acknowledgement of the Church 's teaching/practice be made .
26 It might be expected that subsequent cohorts of elderly people will be more likely to have children , and be survived by them , but other social and economic trends may reduce their ability and willingness to assume caring responsibilities for aged parents .
27 Why did she go out and buy that obvious representation of a landscape she wanted to escape , the figures moving noiselessly under the shadow of the mill ?
28 The National Curriculum has the virtue of concentrating the mind on the requirement of variety , but we must recognise that adequate provision of variety is in practice very difficult to achieve , calling for intense and careful planning .
29 Dr Alex Comfort lifted the argument to the realm of world peace when he maintained that sexual activity of every kind is necessary in order to free human beings from the instinct to fight and harm others .
30 Conservation organisations have claimed that increasing quantities of rare wildlife have been hunted and sold as exotic pets , food and medicine both in Thailand and abroad .
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