Example sentences of "[verb] for it at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the post of Missioner at Warrington became vacant , he applied for it at the age of 38 , and he remained at Warrington until his retirement thirty years later .
2 I asked for it at the suggestion of my cousin Sarah , who was slightly older than me and whom I greatly admired .
3 The report on the projected sales for the next quarter , he asked for it at the last meeting , it 's okay .
4 Zach told her his age , which was nine , and spelt out his name , apologizing for it at the same time .
5 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
6 Another Haute , Edmund , lost an annuity to Walter Hungerford , who petitioned for it at the end of May : an indication that the family 's gains from royal service were recognized as being available for redistribution .
7 Another Haute , Edmund , lost an annuity to Walter Hungerford , who petitioned for it at the end of May : an indication that the family 's gains from royal service were recognized as being available for redistribution .
8 And if you did n't pay for it at the weekend you got no groceries next week .
9 They looked for it at the hospital and at the police station .
10 The fairy Grandmarina appears , and gives Alicia a magic fishbone that will bring her whatever she wishes for ‘ provided she wishes for it at the right time ’ .
11 A little later , Emily was looking through her accounts and came across a bill for French calf ; thoughtfully , she turned it over in her hands , Hari would need to buy the calf too and the usual practice was to pay for it at the end of the month .
12 Erm , as the person who mo , moved the original motion , I would be very happy to move the recommendations , and to thank Mr , Mrs , Mr and Mr , who are the only members here present who voted for it at the time .
13 To and fro , weaving , sometimes tied back to the point , moving from point to point , guided by Jennifer , each woman deeply involved with the dual effort of formulating an opinion and arguing for it at the same time .
14 ‘ I do n't think you will care for it at the Rectory , ’ Aunt Emily said .
15 And often there 's nothing to show for it at the end .
16 ‘ He 's used to us going off for weeks and never getting in touch but he always has something to show for it at the end .
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