Example sentences of "[verb] for a [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It rubs hoarding space with Howard Hodgkin , whose paintings sell for a million pounds and more .
2 Then Swindon asked for a million pounds , Chelsea offered nothing , and Hoddle was valued at a maximum of 175 thousand pounds .
3 And it was not rebuilt for a hundred years .
4 If we were biologically capable of living for a million years , and wanted to do so , we should assess risks quite differently .
5 We know all the damned silly things we 've done for a thousand years , and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it , some day we 'll sop making goddamn funeral pyres and jumping into the middle of them . ’
6 Are we looking for the year two thousand , or are we looking for a hundred years later than that , or what ? — the sort of age we have been describing in this programme ?
7 ‘ If you 're going to be difficult , ’ Adam said , ‘ I suggest that either you wait for a hundred years or agree to reduce the amount payable , by half . ’
8 CARL Lewis , who bleated because he was n't allowed to run in the Olympics against Linford Christie , has ducked out of the World Cup in Cuba where they would have met for a 100 metres showdown later this month .
9 As they peeled back the debris of centuries , complete houses and workshops emerged , still containing everyday tools , utensils and clothing from a civilisation buried for a thousand years .
10 The other day , when a new silver dinner service was commissioned for 10 Downing Street , I asked how much silver could be bought for a million pounds , which seemed a suitably round number .
11 The best places for bottles in Montepulciano are the cool brick cantine like that of the Contucci Palace , cellars furred with black fungus where Vino Nobile has been produced for a thousand years .
12 The technique also enables them to opt for a 4 ohms working impedance ( as opposed to the norm of 8 ohms ) in the knowledge that this figure is much more consistent than the nominal figure given for almost all other loudspeakers ( in one or two notable designs the impedance dips almost to a short-circuit at certain frequencies , making them un-usuable with many amplifiers ) .
13 She could sleep for a thousand years .
14 Now with this one the one we 've just done you do n't really know how far to go I mean I might have been going to ask erm how long has he been travelling if he 's been riding for a thousand hours .
15 Expeditions typically last for a three months .
16 The Zombie ( played by a well-known Horror Film Specialist ) had walked for a thousand years in a subterranean cavern which was broken open by an earthquake in Lisbon .
17 Queues stretched for a hundred yards yesterday as season ticket holders lined up for tickets for the Hillsborough semi-final on April 5 .
18 Jayne Mansfield 's were insured for a million dollars .
19 We 've known for a hundred years that there were Roman burials in this area .
20 Cecil Rhodes , whom no one thought of as retiring and who expected to be remembered for a thousand years , chose , it will be remembered , as his instrument to achieve the infinite expansion of the British empire a secret society .
21 Dealing with injured bats , unwanted newts and cats with bad breath is all in the line of duty for Christine Hall — and it 's a job she would n't want to swap for a million pounds .
22 When we have breakfast , on the 8th floor , we can look down on the river , and watch all the river traffic , including large passenger vessels , big merchant ships belching smoke , strings of wooden barges , and big and small old-fashioned junks , which look as if they have been sailing for a 100 years at least .
23 So if you take a hundred gallons on a day meter , you 're charged for a hundred gallons of water going out as sewage , er the Anglia rate is is is double ours for sewage .
24 The authors present Lucy as an example of punctuation : rapidly becoming human and bipedal from the ape ancestor , then not changing for a million years .
25 We got a call from them recently and , apparently they 've managed to come up with a program that WILL allow for a hundred Lemmings on-screen at once — although they would not be animated to any degree whatsoever .
26 Lot ten ten , ten is the Burmese Buddha this the Buddha showing for a hundred pounds at one hundred pounds , and ten at a hundred and ten pounds all done ?
27 Lot number fifty four Lot fifty four copper bowl copper bowl showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten at a hundred and ten , twenty , thirty , forty , fifty sixty , seventy one eighty offered I 'm offered a hundred and eighty pounds , I shall sell for one eighty , one ninety going on sir ?
28 Lot number sixty six Lot number sixty six is another one there we are , there 's another one showing for a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds any more at one ten , one twenty , thirty , forty , fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty at the back against you near me one eighty at the back and selling for a hundred and eighty pounds , all done at one eighty .
29 Lot number sixty eight Lot sixty eight is another one there we are that one is showing for a hundred pounds at one ten , one twenty , one thirty bid , and s one forty one fifty sixty one seventy eighty one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty bid at the back and selling for two forty , all done at two hundred and forty .
30 Thank you , Lot number eighty three Er Lot number eighty is the next to offer a soapstone carving there 's the soapstone carving showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten , a hundred and ten pounds any more at one hundred and ten all done , at one hundred and ten pounds .
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