Example sentences of "[verb] for some time in " in BNC.

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1 They were repeatedly told he was too busy , and when finally , at the eleventh hour , they were granted a meeting , some sort of communication problem caused Mrs Sue Amphlett and her associate to be sent from one building to another and then to wait for some time in the wrong one , until they had to leave to finish the report in time for the news conference they had called .
2 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
3 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
4 But the fact remains that Panaetius lived for some time in Rome , as the Index Stoicorum Herculanensis , an excellent source , states ( 73 ) ; and there seems to be no reason to doubt the statement of Cicero in Pro Murena that he was the guest of Scipio ( 31.56 ) .
5 For example , an English person who lives for some time in the United States will often acquire a " partially " American accent .
6 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
7 In its rough state , he showed it to the Professor , who bent his grey beard over the neat script , and read for some time in silence .
8 The October 1990 rate cut was anticipated for some time in advance by the gilt market which bought gilts and drove up gilt prices ( see Fig. 17.3 ) , as was the continued fall in base rates over the next two years .
9 I am deeply interested in the row that has been brewing for some time in the heat of the nuclear arms debate , and not only because the key figure is a friend of mine .
10 Consolidation has been accompanied by an increase in renting , a phenomenon which existed for some time in African shanty towns , before it became common in Latin America .
11 ’ My reconnaissance visit is scheduled for some time in January . ’
12 After riding for some time in the dark , they finally caught up with the cart at a toll-gate .
13 I am delighted to have heard anything worthwhile by Schillings , whose music I have known for some time in piano-vocal scores but have not encountered in performance .
14 One practice we have followed for some time in mid-week housegroups is to follow up and apply further what has been taught on Sunday .
15 In the early days both methods co-existed for some time in Great Britain , but the adherents of each method campaigned against one another here and elsewhere in Europe until towards the close of the nineteenth century , when oralism for the time being triumphed in all European countries .
16 He had been observed for some time in the recovery unit as his central venous pressure and blood pressure were low .
17 You may be expected as well to have already worked for some time in a related financial area , such as stock broking .
18 After closure of Woodhead as a through route , the Sheffield to Penistone section was retained for some time in order to allow upgrading of the route via Barnsley .
19 A Somali taxi-driver denounces those in his country who still think they can make a radical revolution , before turning to a discussion of the narcotic , khat , legally available in Britain but banned for some time in the US .
20 Modest chain-link fences have existed for some time in the border cities of El Paso and Brownsville , Texas .
21 Plans for the extension of the war in Vietnam had existed for some time in the Pentagon .
22 At the time of writing , the founding session of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Leipzig ( the Free Academy of the Arts ) is being planned for some time in May .
23 At the time of writing , the founding session of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Leipzig ( the Free Academy of the Arts ) is being planned for some time in May .
24 Rumours had already been circulating for some time in the movie world that Madonna , whose big new movie will be Body Of Evidence , was discussing a new film with Sr Almodovar .
25 Computerisation , although established for some time in sales and administration , has been introduced to Production Control .
26 When Glamorgan College of Technology , the future Polytechnic of Wales , was visited by the CNAA in 1967 , it had recently set up an Academic Board , and the visiting party felt that ‘ very belatedly the College is developing towards an academic structure ’ and towards the kind of academic independence now ‘ established for some time in most other Colleges ’ .
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