Example sentences of "[verb] for [adj -er] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The alternative , according to response competition is : ‘ Ricky will remain for longer periods in his place doing what he is supposed to ’ .
2 Disciplined operating procedures can be followed more readily and this will make for smoother performances in all areas .
3 Given diminishing marginal utility of income , more income in one period can not compensate for lower income in another period .
4 Improvements in shipping and the foundation of the guild of pilots of Trinity House ( incorporated in 1541 ) made for safer navigation in the Thames , and the London merchants removed their trade nearer home .
5 Some idea of how badly the police were treated is given by the reports of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner which show that roughly one-in-four of London 's policemen were assaulted each year — 3,444 cases were reported in 1899 , for example , when the constabulary strength was 13,213 men and 1,949 sergeants — as police authorities pressed for firmer measures in assault cases .
6 Thirdly , there are amendments in the name of the Government of the er Noble Earl Lord which are Amendments ten , fifteen and twenty and these provide for greater flexibility in the size of police authorities , again between sixteen and twenty-four members to be determined by the Secretary of State and for the Bill 's existing proposition that er fifty per cent of the members should be er and only fifty per cent of the members , should be from local authorities that er er er er that er of the remainder some should be magistrates and some should be members appointed by the Secretary of State and finally er there is a series of amendments er by the Noble Lord , Lord , Amendment seventeen , eighteen and twenty-two and those provide again with flexibility of size for er police authorities that half of the members should be from local authorities and the other half should be magistrates .
7 One of the best starts for later work in public relations , and one which can sometimes prove a route into a job , is working for a charity , organization or event which needs publicity .
8 In Sweden secrétaires de commission began to be appointed to some missions in foreign capitals from 1669 onwards , mainly it seems to provide for greater continuity in the event of the death or recall of the head of the mission .
10 She looked across at him as if giving him a final appraisal and checking for further clues in his face , in his clothes .
11 Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process .
12 Cut away at least 50mm beyond the noticeable damage , at a downward angle , so that the repair has an overlapping joint , which is stronger and allows for greater accuracy in matching .
13 This separation allows for further twists in the nature of representation , since the failure of the modernist council estate could be ( and was ) manipulated by the media to appear as evidence for the failure of the ideals of communality such estates appeared to represent .
14 We have argued for greater competition in the gas industry than the Government have ever sought to provide .
15 The two men also have been at odds over Israel 's Middle East policy , with Mr Levy pushing for greater flexibility in talks with the Arabs and against straining relations with the United States .
16 Yesterday 's launch was attended by rape victim Judy , who told the recent Scottish Conservative Party conference of her ordeal and appealed for tougher sentencing in cases of violence against women .
17 Riding on the back of this successful ‘ First ’ , plans are now being made for further courses in 1992 .
18 The firm , which will do boards for a whole range of products including computers , telecommunications and satellite receiver and industrial control system products is looking for further partnerships in Taiwan , Japan and the US and is three months away from announcing its next deal .
19 The bigger TV companies are now lobbying for further relaxations in the rules which would pave the way for a Great North TV station stretching from coast to coast and , inevitably , providing a diluted regional service .
20 Meteoriticists are now searching for further specimens in the Canadian Arctic and there are plans for expeditions to northern Greenland .
21 Once decisions are taken , our ‘ audience ’ then look for further evidence in what we say and do to confirm that they are right .
22 Mark tells us so much about who Jesus is and what he 's come for just by showing us that one miracle but what I 'm suggesting to you here is that you can look for greater meaning in it , further symbolism .
23 higher than the plans for the current year and will provide for further expansion in health services .
24 Kylie had quit to further her career in pop , and to look for meatier projects in which to star .
25 Germany 's five independent economic institutes recently called for bigger cuts in public subsidies to western Germany 's private sector , which cost DM120 billion-130 billion a year .
26 He had been under attack from right-wing politicians for some time , in particular for signing an appeal by a wide range of opposition forces calling for greater democracy in Hungary .
27 A charity is calling for tougher action in the fight against solvent abuse .
28 Congressmen will now find it hard to vote for further exploration in Alaska , especially in the wildlife refuge where the biggest untapped reserves probably still lie .
29 Nevertheless , local newspaper reports say Peking is concerned that this could further fuel calls for greater democracy in Hong Kong , where the British government now seems more committed to increasing the pace of political reform .
30 Still to come : calls for tighter security in Britain 's hospitals after a little girl is raped in her South London hospital bed .
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