Example sentences of "[verb] for [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We should n't be bashed for putting it into a sale ; we help to bring it to a resolution by bringing out it into the open ’ .
2 Donard is the highest mountain in all of Ulster , and you could be forgiven for believing it to be the highest in the world when viewed from Newcastle .
3 From here he entered N A L G O and held high office within the Union and many members have to thank for representing them at pay s pay negotiations etcetera .
4 Silverfish are an awesome experience , and purely on that basis EMF should be applauded for introducing them to a wider audience .
5 A particularly interesting feature of the trestle piers was the method used for founding them on irregular river beds .
6 he should be thanked for organizing it on behalf of the Council .
7 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
8 He says that the council is obliged by the government to take full responsibility for young offenders — and that includes paying for keeping them in secure units .
9 If this analysis of marriage , though no doubt over-simple and lacking subtlety , has some validity , then an argument clearly exists for extending it to relationships previously outside its scope .
10 He slipped away to the great palace of King Darzin and begged to be rewarded for warning him against his enemies .
11 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , I must apologise for dragging you in here at such short notice , but as you will have guessed from the Meeting Notice the urgency … ’
12 ‘ As far as I and the society is concerned that was a warm-blooded animal that can suffer pain and starvation , just like any human being , and we will not apologise for bringing it to the court 's attention , ’ he said .
13 ‘ I must apologise for disturbing you at such a late hour , ’ Potter said .
14 We 've been criticised for bringing him in so late but we tried to bring him in earlier .
15 This has to be done before the end of the time allowed for laying them before the general meeting and if any of the documents is not in the English language a certified translation must be annexed .
16 When I apologised for dragging him into this , there was no bitterness in his gracious reply . ’
17 Some of the prescribed topics may not at first seem particularly appealing , especially if they have not been covered in school before , but avenues can be explored for presenting them in an interesting way .
18 What possible reason could a sane man have for thanking her for an evening that had never happened ?
19 ‘ And we actually get paid for delivering it to his rich client in London . ’
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