Example sentences of "[verb] for [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under the heading , ’ Other Benefits ’ — uncosted — it said : ’ The further benefits from Nurse Prescribing are the benefits to patients of faster access to some prescription items and the benefits they will derive from additional items prescribed for them by District Nurses and Health Visitors . ’
2 ( For instance , Kamata [ 1982 ] , in his exposé of Toyota in the early 1970s , suggested that workers who chose not to ‘ empower ’ themselves in this way were punished for it through criticism and smaller bonuses ! )
3 ( Someone suffering property damage not exceeding £275 may , of course , be able to claim for it in negligence or under the implied terms in the Sale of Goods Act ) .
4 Your complete holiday at Colwyn Bay arranged for you with Bed , Breakfast and Evening Meal accommodation at your choice of Hotel inclusive of your choice of activity — Golfing , Bowling , Coach Tours , Fishing , Pony Trekking , Sailing .
5 Integrated Device Technology Inc says Orion , the low-power Mips Technologies Inc R4000 VRX derivative developed for it by Quantum Effect Design Inc ( UX No 409 ) , will be taped out by the middle of next year , with samples due twelve months from now .
6 But Mr Westbrook adds : ‘ There are occasions when we might invoice a customer in Austrian schillings , bank it in a DM bank account and yet account for it in sterling . ’
7 I shall only be able to weep for him at night , after Enid has fallen asleep .
8 Repetitive enough to appeal to Matthew , 4 , who asked for it at bedtime four nights running , and with sophisticated touches appreciated by William , 6 , normally a boy of the He Man persuasion .
9 try and get some information on this they felt that they were confident that at the end of the day that erm , approval would be given but erm I I I asked for it in writing and they said we would n't be getting that .
10 'E 's keen on 'er , and she seemed ti be fond of 'im till 'e asked for 'er in wedlock . ’
11 To get good dried apricots it is nowadays necessary to shop for them in wholefood and health food stores .
12 I thought er that God wanted me to be a doctor and I did n't have a place to go to , I took my A levels having had five chances of places to be a doctor and everybody saying no , we do n't want you and erm I had everybody praying for me at church and quite miraculously at the end of the August , when I should start in the September , I had a phone call at half past ten at night from a surgeon at the London Hospital asking me to go for an interview the next day .
13 Now talking of freebies , they could actually watch a cage being drilled for them as part of it .
14 In summer 1986 it is planned to take two HND or degree students : their training schemes provide for them to understudy intermediate departmental managers ( including the Head Housekeeper ) for six-week periods .
15 Now erm all the gifts that you give at Confirmation the whole idea of Confirmation in well one of the main ideas of Confirmation is taking on board for yourself what your parents promised for you in baptism .
16 She promises to come for him at noon .
17 In spite of much justifiable criticism , the Flory-Huggins theory can still generate considerable interest because of the limited amount of success which can be claimed for it in relation to phase equilibria studies .
18 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
19 By now the time had come for me to hand back to these women responsibility to go it alone .
20 Children can be involved in the design of these and consulted about the sort of games that they would like to have organised for them in break times .
21 Do n't wait for me for lunch .
22 Do not wait for him to hand you the technique ; you know what the title of the sub-topic is .
23 Mr McQueen left , heading south in time to preach next morning at Bracadale , and saying he would wait for them at Ullinish .
24 Do n't wait for you for lunch ?
25 His only source of superiority is that Frye fagged for him at school .
26 I do n't suppose I could persuade you to work for me in return ?
27 His wife cares for him at home but this is very demanding and she finds that she needs regular breaks .
28 Listen to the voice talking to you in everything you do and know it is not your voice , but the inner voice of the one who cares for you with love and infinite tenderness .
29 Now , you may think that er you and I are very different from a T four bacteria but personally , and I on can only speak for myself , I ca n't speak for you of course , but personally I 'm prepared to accept that basically I 'm really nothing more than a very very complicated and much bigger T four bacterial .
30 Listen for them on radio and television and look for them in the newspaper .
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