Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] time [be] " in BNC.

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1 No , it seems that the drifter will remain for the time being in the form of the original although we will keep working on it .
2 As one delegate to the discussion put it ‘ The women still do n't understand what the real world is like when it comes to their commercial value but at least they 've realised for the time being that they have bitten off more than they can chew . ’
3 You can stay for the time being .
4 ‘ In this section , section 84 , Schedule 12 and Schedule 13 … ‘ action ’ includes any failure to act , and so as regards ‘ exercise ’ in relation to any power ; and ‘ action , ’ in relation to a society , includes action on its behalf by any body associated with it ; ‘ prescribed , ’ in relation to matters of complaint , means prescribed for the time being in Part II of Schedule 12 and , in relation to the respects in which a complainant is affected by any action , means prescribed for the time being in Part III of that Schedule as grounds for making action subject to investigation under the scheme ; …
5 ‘ In this section , section 84 , Schedule 12 and Schedule 13 … ‘ action ’ includes any failure to act , and so as regards ‘ exercise ’ in relation to any power ; and ‘ action , ’ in relation to a society , includes action on its behalf by any body associated with it ; ‘ prescribed , ’ in relation to matters of complaint , means prescribed for the time being in Part II of Schedule 12 and , in relation to the respects in which a complainant is affected by any action , means prescribed for the time being in Part III of that Schedule as grounds for making action subject to investigation under the scheme ; …
6 Where courses are offered at only one teaching centre , it would be possible to make significant progress by initially devolving responsibility for assessment only to the college , while maintaining for the time being central control of the course content .
7 This cloak was the principal relic of the west Frankish kings of Neustria , and wherever the Neustrian kings were , it went with them to adorn whatever building became for the time being the royal chapel .
8 Sotheby 's then heard from Michael Hebecker , Director of Schlossmuseum Gotha , informing them that , while the auction house had behaved fairly and correctly in offering the picture to the museum first , the permission to sell the Wtewael had been granted in his absence and with neither his knowledge nor consent , and asking them if the picture could be withdrawn for the time being .
9 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
10 All these jealousies and disappointments and doubts were forgotten for the time being in the face of adversity .
11 Old feuds have been forgotten for the time being .
12 She 'd become accustomed to his remarks about her unwanted presence , but she had believed him to be resigned for the time being to having her around .
13 Each spurt in investment has for a time been halfway successful in boosting harvests and production , but policy to date has failed to grasp the nettles of productivity , variety , distribution and responsible land use .
14 The problem of bridging the gap between early experience and later personality has for the time being been shelved , and questions are being asked instead about what is indeed the logically prior problem : whether and in what way infants of various ages are affected by specified environmental happenings .
15 The Shamir administration refrained , however , from challenging for the time being the apparent PLO involvement with the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , nor did it decide to use this as grounds for withdrawing from the conference .
16 The prescribed element is , in effect , frozen for the time being and should not be paid by the employer .
17 ‘ I 'm sorry ’ , said the Christie 's receptionist , ‘ but the Sackler sale has been cancelled for the time being
18 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
19 The residue of liberty just gets smaller and smaller , until eventually , in some areas , it is extinguished altogether , with freedom becoming no more than the power to do that which an official has decided for the time being not to prohibit .
20 Regardless of a critical report it had itself commissioned , the World Bank has decided for the time being to continue financing the Sardar Sarovar dam and canal project on the Narmada river in India .
21 We will assume for the time being that this has a well-defined minimum .
22 I 've been told it 's about as good as it will gfet for the time being .
23 The panic receded for the time being .
24 If you wish to effect a placement in a residential or nursing home we hope for the time being it will help resolve your problem .
25 though this must do for the time being .
26 You just tip it carefully that will do for the time being and eat those first
27 Furthermore , since I disagree with the view of the Divisional Court on this point in Ex parte Handscomb , but the Home Secretary was obliged for the time being to follow it , there is little logic in saying that he should have extended it to mandatory cases .
28 The war intervened with the result that this urgent question was postponed for the time being .
29 That will give us plenty to work on in the next decade , and that is probably as far as we should look for the time being .
30 The massacre has sabotaged for the time being any resumption of negotiations between Mandela and de Klerk .
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