Example sentences of "[verb] for [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 They have been established in recognition of the fact that it is pointless to wait for public sympathy and a change of political will to improve the level of basic old age pensions , and the quality of life for older people generally .
2 Aloud he said he would stay for another night and take her place on the constituency slate .
3 You 've done more than you thought you 'd ever get away with and so in a sense it 's all gain from here , in fact it 's been all gain for some time and so you ca n't complain and you do n't intend to if fate deserts you now .
4 It may make for easier government and public convenience to restrict the tradition of marching and assembling for protest , but it would be a dangerous and a foolish idea to believe that public protest can somehow be laid aside as belonging to a bygone age .
5 During the divorce proceedings Mrs Flint applied for ancillary relief and in July 1990 an order was made under s 24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , transferring the matrimonial home to her .
6 Like Shujan he has had his training setbacks but Armstrong has shrewdly got enough runs into him to go for this handicap and his recent home form suggests it is worth taking a chance with him as he is on the upgrade .
7 It had been anticipated they would be operating mainly among the trees surrounding the estate , so the object was to go for maximum noise and shock effect while inflicting the least injuries possible .
8 For various reasons , DATEC decided that , with one exception , no college proposals would be validated for Higher Certificate and Higher Diploma courses which would allow a start before September 1982 ; as a consequence , there are at present relatively small numbers of students on these courses .
9 To what extent is the structure capable of change , adaptation and development , allowing for individual development and sensitivity to the external environment ?
10 A separate law allowing for conscientious objection and introducing alternative civilian service was also adopted .
11 All manufacturing units have been consolidated into United Distillers Production Inc. , thus allowing for significant rationalisation and productivity enhancement .
12 Originally erected for private defence and as status symbols , today they form part of Italy 's best-preserved medieval town — rich in history and culture .
13 Dismissing the taxpayers ' appeals , Lord Justice Nourse said that the ordinary meaning of ‘ release ’ comprehended both a release given for full consideration and one given gratuitously , or for less than full consideration , and there was no warrant for putting the limitation , as contended by the tax-payers , on the word ‘ releases ’ in s 287(1) .
14 KAN is based on techniques developed for parallel computation and represents a meeting point for psychology and artificial intelligence ( AI ) .
15 Fortunately there is a great deal of similarity between the mathematics developed for this task and the techniques required to analyse certain types of data .
16 At Winfrith , a range of skills developed for nuclear modelling and inspection were adapted for use by the offshore oil industry .
17 The boom saw the generalization and expansion of state welfare provisions , unprecedented attempts by governments to plan for economic growth and shape industrial structures , and some experiments in worker involvement in the direction of enterprises .
18 Above and inset : Before winter arrives it 's important to plan for extra colour and warmth in the garden
19 Egypt has requested financing for expensive refurbishment and modernisation from the United States , which provides some $1.6bn in military aid annually .
20 But now fewer than five varieties predominate for each crop and even these are ‘ kissing cousins ’ of one another , genetically almost identical .
21 Although in practice this means that some patients with chronic stable renal failure would have been referred for rapid investigation and diagnosis , we believe that this is preferable to taking a lower cut-off for carbamylated haemoglobin , such as 125 g VH/g Hb which would reduce sensitivity to 80% but increase specificity to 75% , since this would exclude some patients with a potentially reversible element to their renal failure that may not be so readily reversible if investigation and appropriate management were delayed .
22 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
23 Acts undertaken for another purpose and not in order to consent can constitute consent if undertaken in the belief that they will confer a right or impose a duty and if the fact that they are undertaken with such a belief is the reason for them having this result .
24 SINGER Dannii Minogue , 21 , has fallen for former Home and Away star Julian McMahon .
25 I asked for one ticket and paid for it , then I watched him ask for the same and fish down inside his carrier bag and bring out a ten pound note .
26 yes that was at quarter past eight Saturday morning and at ten to eight my aunty came at night and went fucking mad she said I want a dressing and I want it now , twelve hours ago I asked for that dressing and were n't done then came
27 I asked for special leave and borrowed the eighty pounds for a short-term return ticket on the letter-mail route to the UK .
28 She asked for red wine and when he brought it she raised the glass and tried to think of something original and witty by way of a toast but he forestalled her by saying , ‘ Cheers , ’ and she could think of no other response .
29 And so they asked for English counsel and ‘ furtherance ’ .
30 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
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