Example sentences of "[verb] for [adj] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
2 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
3 Do you think for one minute that I want to live next door to a stinking curry eater or a mugging , drug-dealing , sweaty black rasta ?
4 ‘ I did n't think for one minute that he 'd made it there under his own steam , ’ Simone murmured , and André laughed smugly .
5 I do n't think for one minute that there are teachers who are drunk in charge of children in the classroom .
6 I mean you would n't you would n't think for one minute that Aunty Mary came from .
7 ‘ Do you really think , ’ Alexandra had said earnestly , a pile of linen sheets in her arms , ‘ do you truthfully think for one moment that Aunt Emily would wish this room to be kept like — like a museum ?
8 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
9 Now I 'm not suggesting for one moment that anybody who has all the problems that dear Mr has there , but I think we might be able to learn something , do you ?
10 If you have embarked on this decision , entertaining friends at home may became increasingly difficult too , for your parent may look forward always to being present on these occasions , without realising for one moment that her daughter needs the opportunity sometimes to be able to relate to her friends alone , so that she can project her personality freely and share confidences and opinions with people of her own generation .
11 ‘ Across the regions , the proportion of land developed for residential use that had been previously developed or was vacant land in built-up areas varied between 33 per cent in the south west to 52 per cent in the south east , and 58 per cent in the north west . ’
12 And , of course , Rune Christensen had never supposed for one moment that his orders would be forgotten or disobeyed !
13 She did n't doubt for one minute that the feeling was mutual .
14 Our fellow-traveller had been mumbling for some time that he would ‘ hae tae get oot ! ’ .
15 So self-absorbed was she that she never considered for one minute that her words might have hurt him in exchange .
16 The two organisations are not in fact connected and we apologise for any confusion that may have been caused .
17 He adds for good measure that the public-sector deficit would be wiped out if the country stopped paying its foreign debts .
18 Such a tax is seen as having lower disincentive effects than an income tax because it relates to past effort ; i.e. there is no disincentive effect to work for additional income that is to be consumed .
19 ‘ I doubt whether you could understand how it feels to know for all eternity that the creations of hell are pursuing you , ’ Kopyion said .
20 He got to his feet and walked on tip-toe to the kitchen door , where he pressed his face close to the crack , listening for any sound that might tell him what to expect .
21 NCLE has argued for some time that schools should have coordinated policies on language as a medium for learning and languages as subjects .
22 Both Ian Allan , chairman of AIR , and I have felt for some time that this division was not helpful to the railway movement and it was agreed at the ARPS Council meeting held on 25th April ( which I missed due to the pleasure of attending my secretary 's wedding ) and the AIR Board meeting two days later that we adopt a proposal put forward by David Madden , a member of ARPS Council and director of operations on the North Norfolk Railway , to set up a joint committee to handle affairs of mutual interest , which we agreed should be called in good railway tradition : ‘ The Railway Clearing House ’ .
23 It has been felt for some time that the procedure and forms relating to the granting of legal aid in criminal causes could be improved , and the introduction of legal aid in the District Courts has led to the position being scrutinised and a new procedure and application form introduced .
24 Moreover , provision had been made for any firm that might become financially insolvent ; in this way , systemic risk was largely averted .
25 The best of the autograph collectors would not have accepted for one minute that their pursuit was the poor relation of manuscript collecting proper .
26 I was still left looking for any element that could be described as cavalier .
27 She had been watching him intently , looking for any sign that he was sceptical about this mission .
28 The other embarrassing fact was that MI6 never suspected for one moment that Blake was a spy .
29 It has been suspected for some time that North Korea has been working on a nuclear device .
30 Would that the same could be said for another competition that takes place at this time of the year — England 's County Championship finals .
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