Example sentences of "[verb] it for all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 've done it for all kinds of things , I mean , I , I cook vegetables in them in it and I warm up
2 No we could , we could do it for all jobs cos
3 we could do it for all jobs , and see , that 's what I saying , I mean , we 've got
4 ‘ I hope we can reach agreement with China and that , where we have disagreements , they wo n't poison our relationship right across the board — certainly wo n't poison it for all time , ’ said Mr Patten .
5 Spiders use it for all kinds of purposes — making egg-sacs , lining nests , weaving tents for their babies and as safety lines when they jump .
6 ‘ What , and spoil it for all readers with weak chins ? ’
7 the pool with blood , staining it for all time ,
8 The ghosts who do want to go haunting , do it for all sorts of different reasons .
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