Example sentences of "[verb] it for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Guido 's won it for the past two years and he 's absolutely desperate to get a hat trick — though some of his rivals are equally desperate to see that he does n't . ’
2 Wo would you like to try it for the next year , or few meetings ?
3 If a child has it for the first ten years hardly anything else matters .
4 These are substitutes , but you 'll need it for the authentic taste .
5 We shall need it for the forty foots .
6 In particular , he suggests that the educational system has a marked effect on the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge , and criticizes it for the ahistorical way in which it teaches scientific problems , theories , experiments and proofs .
7 This back parlour , Hope thought , as he entered it for the third time that day , is like a little theatre : Act I , Colonel Moore ; Act II , Amaryllis ; Act III
8 Ludo notices it for the first time , and asks what he can do for me .
9 Please help us preserve it for the future generations .
10 If a secured creditor omits to disclose his security in his proof of debt , he must surrender it for the general benefit of creditors unless the court relieves him on the ground that omission was inadvertent or the result of honest mistake ( r 6.116 ) .
11 The Economic League report on The Present Trend of Communism in Britain alleged that " the Communist Party has made full use of the Left Book Club , enabling it for the first time to make effective contact with some 50,000 members of the middle class " .
12 and very importantly is er , a list of instructions on how to use it , in order to erm , update it for the current month .
13 He had one made up , used it for the first time in the 1989 Jersey Open and finished joint fifth , 5-under par and only two behind play-off victor Christy O'Connor Jnr .
14 The Federal Assembly on May 2 voted in favour of abolishing the death penalty and replacing it for the relevant offences with life imprisonment .
15 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
16 Not for the first time she wondered how on earth her father had persuaded the children to call him ‘ Gamps ’ and decided that he had done it for the sole purpose of driving her mad .
17 In this respect , the French government is right to have made the Minister of Culture also Minister of Education ( although whether they have done it for the right reasons , and with the right man is another matter ) .
18 Well Mr never been before at least I 've done it for the first few years that I was there .
19 Maurin interjected that he had done it for the best , that he suspected she would spread silly gossip and it was sensible to keep her away from the English journalist .
20 I have just done it for the only time in the 23,400,000 minutes of my life so far , and I doubt if I 'll do it again , so call these odds one in 25 million .
21 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
22 Two men climb the rock to check that all has been eaten and to clean it for the next burial .
23 Perhaps they would like to choose it for the next one .
24 His reasons were all based on his search for Rectitudo in mind and will , as he had sought it for the past thirty years .
25 Putting their dinner on the table , Trent reached for the photograph and studied it for the umpteenth time since finding it on Don Roberto 's piano — his mother , and the Colonel as a young man .
26 Its death had been postponed , which had enabled the Hunt Ball Committee to hire it for the triumphant last appearance of a house that had outlived its glamour , and all kind importances .
27 ‘ … I 'll do it for the Young Farmers sometime . ’
28 We thought it was so good that we 'd do it for the old people 's home .
29 If the Government can do it for the Bosnians , why ca n't they do it for the homeless ?
30 It was a new Fender Strat , bought from a shop on Shaftsbury Avenue in February ‘ 62 , and yes , I wish I still had it , but only to sell it for the large sums they fetch now !
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