Example sentences of "[verb] it as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So yeah , I 'm not sure whether it , whether whether one should translate it as the mountains of Ararat , or the Ararat mountains .
2 One commentator described it as the moment when de Gaulle 's spell was broken .
3 Frank Muir , introducing the slot , described it as the television industry 's favourite play .
4 Thus more recent cases have , in principle at least , given a broader meaning to that term , utilising it as the foundation for procedural consultation rights to be given to immigrants , workers and local authorities .
5 ‘ A pastor I knew used it as the basis of his final sermon , before facing his greatest fear .
6 Then after the the well there 's er the library as they called it was lined with books leather bound books great big kidney shaped oak table and beautiful chairs there and we used it as the office you know for the principal keeper did his returns and all the rest of it there .
7 She had plenty of wool , so kept the sleeve and used it as the material for her cushion .
8 Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances .
9 ( It is tempting to call this curve ‘ the tail ’ , though in fact the old mythological figures show it as the Bear 's head . )
10 The left side of his face , in the region of the jaw articulation , looked at first sight as though it had been smashed by a blow , but Wycliffe recognised it as the wound of exit of a bullet which had probably ricochetted inside the skull .
11 He recognised it as the hand of his father , missing now for countless years .
12 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
13 Its institutional imprecision and evident anachronism weakened it as the basis for a compromise settlement ; whatever its intention , the fate of the Persian Manifesto was to serve as a base from which to sally against liberalism and all its works .
14 And they class it as the south .
15 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
16 Gilbert Scott had said that it was ‘ on the whole , my finest church ’ , but Colonel Akroyd , who had built it as the centrepiece of his remarkable village of Akroyd , had never sufficiently endowed it .
17 It is the fact of being the written form which establishes it as the standard .
18 WUKO Chief Referee Tommy Morris describes it as the sort of sound you make when pushing a really heavy car ; the sound explodes out of you , as it were .
19 I find myself dipping into my pocket and giving to causes that a decade ago I would have refused to because I would have seen it as the responsibility of the statutory sector .
20 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
21 But even the refusal to talk about it , as Michel Foucault has noted , marks it as the secret and puts it at the heart of discourse .
22 Devices are available too for giving variable prominence to one or other of the participants in the process to identify it as the topic .
23 In a corner of the London Museum of Financial History — blue-rinsed heads will remember it as the Bank of England — stands a glass case .
24 A stormy passage up the west coast in Autumn gales gave us a taste of what was to come , and those among the crew of that time will remember it as the Force Ten winter .
25 She had expected pain , almost welcomed it as the payment for ridding herself of her despised virginity which had labelled her in her own mind as undesired — unloved .
26 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
27 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
28 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
29 God looks down at this cooperative effort of man trying to make himself god-like , and sees it as the beginning of worse rebellion against him .
30 Economically , he sees it as the difference between the hare and the tortoise : the free market model with its exciting instability , its romantic success stories , its idealistic zeal ; the social market with its patient , unspectacular , benign growth , and its cultural cohesion .
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