Example sentences of "[verb] it with [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , she dismissed it with one word — ‘ rubbish ’ — but we 'd just started the show when there was a loud bang .
2 She set it down on the kitchen table , stroked it with one finger .
3 ‘ I used to worry about Darth Vader , ’ Prentice confessed , putting his arm round Rory 's waist and lifting his foot to massage it with one hand .
4 No erm as I say , I never saw her in there erm I looked under the bed saw nothing was there , I just dropped it with one hand .
5 It 's ridiculous , she thought angrily ; he can bring tears to my eyes just by making me remember the simple things , like the way he reached out and unlocked the seatbelt for me — he 'd done it with one fluid gesture , no fumbling with it — how he had flung his jacket on to the back seat with the same faultless grace , how he 'd sauntered round the back of the car with a bemused smile when he 'd winkled it into a tight spot .
6 She was trying to open it with one hand , while the other held the bearskin to her breasts , when Guy reached down and retrieved her shift .
7 They got ta do it with one hand in their pocket .
8 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
9 he tries to do it with one finger but he 's just not quite strong enough
10 Stun it with one dose and swat it with the next .
11 Fielding it with one hand , she sobered , and , putting her glass down on the fender , she hugged the cushion on her knees .
12 The soldier was able to pick out his target in Copperfield Street from a distance of several hundred yards — and hit it with one shot .
13 Connon read it with one sweep of the eyes .
14 ‘ Trust me to get a cat like you , ’ said Mildred fondly , stroking it with one hand and unclasping its claws with the other .
15 She gave a tiny giggle as a little dollop of cream adhered to the tip of her nose ; she removed it with one finger , licked the pinky , then wiped her nose with her napkin , glancing round the restaurant through the confusing topography of slats and uprights of the seats and screens , apparently worried that this minor lapse in hand-mouth coordination was being critically observed by any of the surrounding middle-class matrons , perhaps with a view to passing on the scandalous morsel to their opposite numbers in Gallanach and having mother black-balled from the local bridge club .
16 Erm , in two point four , you just do it with one key , if you want to delete a cell out that 's del .
17 Gloucester won it with two penalty kicks from Tim Smith … their first league win of the season …
18 She had just slammed the car door by hooking it with one foot , when Mrs Frizzell , with a similar brown-paper bag of groceries , came round the nearest corner on foot , having been to the local store .
19 Kate tried to ignore his admiring glance , but she could n't help blushing a little , which showed how much off balance she was because normally she was so used to this sort of conversation that she could , as it were , verbally handle it with one hand tied behind her back .
20 He steadied it with one hand whilst with the other he slammed the doors , then holding the handle of the basket , he tottered away .
21 She held it with one hand while the other went to her throat , as Nellie 's face appeared at the door .
22 She rested the child she was carrying on the parapet , the child being asleep , and held it with one hand as she used the other to search at her breast purse for her money .
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