Example sentences of "[verb] it [vb past] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Despite anecdotal reports of serious bugs in Microsoft Corp 's new MS-DOS 6.0 , PC Week Labs says it has been unable to reproduce in a controlled laboratory environment any of the data-threatening errors specifically attributed to MS-DOS 6.0 or its DoubleSpace component , adding that it believes that many of the reported data-destroying errors can be attributed to the sudden introduction of SMARTDRV , the MS-DOS and Windows cache program , onto previously uncached systems — SMARTDRV caches disk writes , and any sudden power-down can cause unrecoverable file and disk errors — but be that as it may , Microsoft is taking the reports of data loss sufficiently seriously that it has pledged to do whatever it takes to track down and purge any serious flaws , although it has found none , and InfoWorld reported it found several problems , including one in the DoubleSpace data compression — but Microsoft said two of its engineers looked into but could not replicate the problems InfoWorld saw .
2 The public analyst found it contained 14 beetles , 24 larvae and nine pupal cases , also that it had the characteristics of the Australian beetle , which attacks and infests dried food products .
3 We had to contend with some extremely high winds and found it needed extra guys to hold upright .
4 Maud said that Leonora Stern believed it represented Victorian women 's fear , or any woman 's fear , of giving birth to a monstrosity .
5 It says it rejected earlier offers of Fondiaria 's shares as too expensive .
6 A precise chronology is impossible , but Bede says it was in 653 — by which 654 may need to be understood , for Bede also says it occurred two years before the death of Penda ( in 655 or 656 ) — that Peada was converted ( HE V , 24 ) .
7 He was elsewhere on the course at the time , but since then he has seen it replayed many times on film .
8 Yes it might I 've seen it spelt both ways .
9 I can not believe it took two weeks to discover that three of our Olympic athletes had taken drugs .
10 At 770p , Sherwood is now valued at £158.8 million compared with the £10.8 million launch price tag it had six years ago .
11 Speaking in a Belfast safe house a hooded IRA member claimed it had enough explosives and terrorists in place for a major offensive .
12 The USA told the Philippine government on Sept. 24 that if agreement was not reached it wanted four years to withdraw its forces from Subic Bay .
13 And you know it had little blobs , alright , leading up to the big long shit !
14 But as it is as you say you know it took five minutes before it all happened in I find this very do n't you ?
15 In 1982 West Germany discovered it had serious problems with its forests — results of research indicated that half showed signs of ill health .
16 HDS declined to specify its installed X-terminal base , saying it had 200,000 units in the field , most of them serial terminals .
17 On Aug. 16 , as a shipment of UN relief arrived for the first time in the southern port of Kismayo , a local militia which had been hired to protect it stole 600 tonnes of food and fuel .
18 Er , it 's very difficult , yes you all laughed when I asked a question last year from over there to get a capital P in Pearson because you all laughed it took twenty weeks to get it in The Times , do you remember ?
19 84% felt it covered all aspects associated with the subject matter .
20 It was not that she was parsimonious or disapproving of alcohol , simply that she knew it had adverse side-effects on Liza and , not being much of a drinker herself , she only kept a small supply in the house .
21 I thought it required more teachers caring about their subjects as much as he obviously did .
22 The marriage game was played for the highest stakes by kings and emperors and counts ; there is no reason to suppose it reached these proportions elsewhere in the social scale .
23 This has its origin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Japan realised it needed natural resources from overseas in order to industrialise effectively to compete with the West .
24 I am sure that had nothing to do with her withdrawal but the way she did it raised more questions than it answered .
25 It was the first time South Africa has admitted it possessed nuclear weapons , though the United States government suggested as long ago as 1979 that Pretoria might possess an atom bomb after a satellite detected two nuclear-like flashes over Antarctic waters to the south of Cape Town .
26 I think it cost thirty shillings .
27 The Transport and General Workers Union said it saw seasonal workers as potentially ripe for recruitment precisely because a considerable number returned to the same job year after year ( see Financial Times , 7/1/87 ) .
28 I was talking to her and I said do you work ? and she said no I do n't and she said my children are I V F children In vitro fertilization , so I said how come ? , how fascinating , she said it was n't very fascinating I can assure you , she said it took five years to have them , well she put plainly they pioneered it down there did n't they ?
29 Among those offering concrete commitments were National Westminster Bank , which said it took environmental issues into account when considering loan requests [ see ED 58 ] , and the Austin Reed clothing company , which claims to encourage its suppliers to meet environmental standards .
30 Dr Marc Cartwright , anaesthetist on the cardiac arrest team , said it took several minutes to spot the mistake and insert the tube properly .
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