Example sentences of "[verb] to the [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had to write to the next of kin .
2 It was a good ten minutes later when they seemed to come to the last of The Courts , for the houses dropped down to two-storey , then one-storey ; and then they were confronted by an iron open-work gate set in a brick wall all of seven feet high .
3 Note that the law relating to the last of these excuses , concerning distance to school from home and transport arrangements , has been amended following the decision of the House of Lords in Rogers v Essex County Council ( 1986 ) .
4 Many people would claim that the role of science is confined to the first of these and that theoretical physics will have achieved its goal when we have obtained a complete set of local physical laws .
5 Upon tracing the sixth ventricle of the brain , which corresponds to the fourth in the human subject , to its apparent termination , the calamus scriptorius , I perceived the appearance of a canal , continuing by a direct course into the centre of the spinal marrow .
6 She tipped one ear to the road , listening to the last of Mitch .
7 The reason for this , according to the second of the two studies just cited , is that " large firms … had more rationalised hiring systems and were better able to identify when temporary workers could be used efficiently " .
8 He slowed as he came to the first of the two rows , leaning across the dashboard in order to be able to see up the slope .
9 Martin walked carefully along a narrow path that would tortuously between ancient graves and heavy , ornate tombstones until he came to the first of the family plots .
10 Sadi Carnot came to the second law of thermodynamics from pondering on the efficiency of an abstract and idealized engine ; and Helmholtz came to the first from considering simple mechanical devices such as trip-hammers driven by water-wheels .
11 He was going like a winner when he came to the third from home , fell and broke a leg .
12 The next type of planned town includes those which are reasonably well dated to the tenth to thirteenth centuries and which were clearly new planned urban centres added on to existing villages by their owners as attempts to encourage trade .
13 Item No 4 : the large loop would normally be attached to a belt as this is a purse frame dating to the 15th to 16th century .
14 In cases where the original credit holder has died without claiming repayment and the Post War Credit certificate is still available , repayment can be made to the next of kin or personal representative of the estate .
15 Welcome to the first of our summer sporting specials .
16 The land was sold to the second to fourth defendants on 21 July 1988 , and by order dated 16 December 1988 they were added as defendants and the action stayed against the first defendants .
17 ABA light heavyweight champion Anthony Todd , of Darlington , travels to the second of the three Olympic qualifying tournaments in Berck sur Mer hoping he 'll follow in the footsteps of Scarborough 's Paul Ingle , who qualified for Barcelona at the previous tournament in Denmark .
18 Robert Kennedy , who played a notable role throughout the crisis , suggested that the President should ignore this second letter and reply to the first in the affirmative .
19 In his manner of thought and sympathies , Anselm belonged to the first of these two periods , both with regard to the organization of the Church and the supremacy of the monastic foundations which had maintained the spiritual life of Europe for three or four hundred years .
20 The keys once stretched south from Florida almost to Cuba , each tiny island linked to the next by a bridge .
21 This type of structure is known as a linked list , because each item is linked to the next by a pointer .
22 It is hoped brown trout will be restored to the Darenth before 2000 .
23 It led to the first of his nine England caps , mostly on tour , where his tubby enthusiasm and — from behind the ropes anyway — his seemingly unathletic , but jauntily optimistic matelot 's gait have endeared him to crowds .
24 It insists to the last on the existence and activities of opponents to Judas Maccabaeus , including the former High Priest Alcimus .
25 A. W. McClellan , whose writings on this subject are indispensable reading , refers to the first of these approaches as ‘ logistic ’ and the second as ‘ bibliographical ’ .
26 Note it is important in that case that not only the settlor but the spouse of the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time of the last to die otherwise the property would not be in an excluded property settlement — see s80(1) which refers to the last of the spouse or the settlor to cease to be beneficially entitled to an interest in possession .
27 With regard to the last of these , the sphere of circulation is that part of the social formation in which exchange takes place , through the buying and selling of all commodities ( including labour power ) .
28 On Wednesday evening I went to the second of three seminars at my lawyers to do with Europe — set up to mark the SUMMIT .
29 Their Lordships turn to the first of the orders under appeal , namely the order of Barnett J. refusing to overturn the decision of Judge Cameron not to grant a perpetual stay of the Barclays ( Asia ) prosecution .
30 I now turn to the third of my questions : what controls the whole system ?
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