Example sentences of "[verb] to the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Minton also contributed to the Arts Council 's ‘ 60 Paintings for ‘ 51 ’ exhibition , for which sixty artists had been commissioned to produce a painting at least 45″ × 60″ in size .
2 Subsequent checks of the coral sand revealed minute particles that were attracted to the algae magnets — even though they did n't look metallic .
3 Erm good one thank you report to the Highways Committee complaints I think he 's er perhaps remarkably lucky in operating this way and er i it 's er a great credit to the department in terms of
4 The government responded to the payments crisis with a credit squeeze .
5 This galvanised the National Agent , R. T. Windle , into making plans for an individual membership campaign early in 1944 ; and it led to the executive summoning a conference of trade union officers so as to encourage them to contribute to a general election fund and to increase the proportion of their contracting-in membership — which was much less than half the total membership they reported to the Trades Union Congress .
6 ‘ They all reported to the police station they 'd been assigned to and they all went on to stand trial . ’
7 A few minutes after twelve o'clock I reported to the police station .
8 In Chiswick , provision was made for Boys to receive Secondary School education , in the extension that had been added to the Girls School in Burlington Lane , and the School became the Chiswick Grammar School .
9 Three more recent definitions are : ( a ) " The actual intended use of unlawful force to another person without his consent " ( since then recklessness has been added to the mens rea ) per Jones LJ in Fagan v MPC , above .
10 Every inch added to the rivers reputation as the dustbin of Europe .
11 The Whig reformers had their own political views in mind when they described the typical Scottish politician as a man whose position was secured by extensive bribery of a small venal electorate concerned only with individual advantage , or , alternatively , by the politician ignoring the true electorate and placing reliance upon nominal and fictitious voters who had been added to the freeholders rolls in the counties .
12 So , for example , £104 is added to the rates bill for a three person household and £156 for a four person household .
13 The principal objective of the research is to utilise an examination of the policy making and policy implementation process relating to the telecommunications sectors as a focal device for assessing the nature of Japanese government-industry relations ( GIR ) and comparing this with process in the UK .
14 Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act .
15 ‘ If they wanted to keep out of trouble they would n't have bothered to have come to the police station . ’
16 Yussuf 's ex-wife had come to the police station and would not go away .
17 For example , a car was stopped for speeding or ‘ flying low ’ , and upon returning to the police vehicle the constable related the following considerations which influenced his assessment :
18 At the national level , women 's political participation was confined to the ladies auxiliaries of the Conservative and Liberal parties , which were formed during the 1880s and 1890s as a means of making use of women 's formidable political energies and of siphoning off potential protest
19 It first appeared three lines ago where it referred to the suns ability to give life to the earth of a cold star .
20 The creation of any company must be reported to the Companies Court ( registry ) within thirty days , otherwise the creation is considered to be void .
21 ( When subsequently , the hospital became crowded almost to bursting point with the influx of evacuee patients from London , the master reported to the Guardians Committee that , owing to limited cooking facilities and greatly increased numbers , it had become necessary to suspend the existing dietary — which had so displeased Mr.J. — and adopt a more simplified bill of fare . )
22 ‘ If it is proved correct , they could could be reported to the Monopolies Commission . ’
23 The scene of crime exhibits , packed and tagged , would be carried to the police car ; the razor , the crumbs of bread and cheese from the larger room , the fibres from Harry 's clothing , that single burnt matchhead .
24 It could be argued that when publication of address lists reaches this scale they are so unselective as to be innocuous ; the Swedish Data Inspection Board took the opposite view when it objected to the Readers Digest organisation compiling its own register of all adult Swedes ( roughly 9 million ) .
25 The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis and it has a glans clitoridis , which corresponds to the glans penis and is similarly well supplied with sensory nerves .
26 This should be addressed to the Acquisitions Unit .
27 Most are commissioned but suggestions are welcome in the form of a one-page synopsis addressed to the Reviews Coordinator .
28 Enquiries for further information should be addressed to The Admissions Officer , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Royal ( Dick ) School of Veterinary Studies , Summerhall , Edinburgh EH9 1QH .
29 So , you 're saying that when I saw the colours change , that was like what happens to the police siren . ’
30 From the 3,000 students on the Course typically 300 records with recommendations will be presented to the examinations committee via this booklet .
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