Example sentences of "[verb] to [pers pn] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 I ought to write to her at some point .
2 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
3 1991 , 27 1042 ) , prompted a childhood memory and sent me rummaging at the top of the house for 300 Things a bright boy can do , a book presented to me by some relative ca 1928 .
4 Before I start , if you have written to me at some time and recognise your own problems in what follows — please do n't take offence !
5 Later that afternoon he came to me with some of my translations from the index cards .
6 We walked along the intersecting tyke walls and met a voluntary warden eager to talk to us about some of the work carried out on the reserve .
7 I 'm writing to you with some good news from Pampers — for your baby , and your baby 's world .
8 Hywel seemed to her like some hapless creature in a story , spellbound by despair , made powerless by circumstance , trapped by a ruthless magic without even the faery consolation of glamour , the illusion of delight .
9 It was a point made to me with some vehemence by Mahmoud Labadi , who was then official spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Lebanon , a bespectacled figure every bit as urbane and cynical as his Israeli counterpart .
10 Alice would have liked to talk to her , for she felt drawn to her in some kind of kinship ; but Caroline did not feel this , it seemed .
11 He was drawn to it in some weirdly obsessive , almost dangerous way .
12 In I think it happened to me to some extent .
13 I needed some comfort after the election result so I turned to it for some like-minded thought .
14 But f f f for many people Judy I mean th people will look to you with some degree of er of admiration and maybe some degree of of envy that you do have that strong faith that 's that 's helped you through those times .
15 Anyway yes , Whit 's going to us at some stage and I will wander round town while he 's doing his talk and then transcribe it
16 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
17 A rough-coated collie called Tip , he was offered to me by some relatives down the dale whilst I still had Chip .
18 It wrapped around her ankle , clinging to her like some fierce little animal .
19 You may not feel this will apply to you for some time .
20 The justification of the invaders , based partly on the doubtful assumption that proximity gave sovereign rights , but more specifically on the claim that the islands had belonged to them at some time in the past , bears comparison with the Zionist claim to Palestine .
21 Those of us privileged to have spoken to him at some length and to have seen his fascinating family albums would have known of his boyhood tea with Hitler , his Military Medal midstream in some Eastern battlefield and a host of other incidents .
22 It is invaluable to have a friend who can indicate to you by some private sign if you should raise or lower your voice .
23 I mean , if he did go off into the wilds of Anatolia , or somewhere remote like that — something might happen to him in some village , where he is n't known . ’
24 Now it seems to me in some respects the gulf is pretty wide and therefore can only do that if Noble Lords are good enough to try and sort of meet the divide .
25 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
26 A deep lump seemed to fill Laura'a throat as the little blonde girls clung to her for some minutes .
27 First they looked to it for some confirmation that the general principles of history which they saw at work in capitalism had always been operative .
28 By the stage we define broadly as intermediate , learners are some way towards developing control of the language they are learning : their store of language has grown to a point where they can adapt , adjust and add to it with some facility ; they can transfer language use from one context to another ; they are building up more complex networks of language and the work we do in the classroom at this level is similarly more complex and less controlled .
29 On the latter point the King felt the same confidence , although less reluctantly , and reacted to it with some lack of consideration by more or less commanding Baldwin not to leave the country for his annual expedition to Aix .
30 saying she 's spoke to you about some development plan or something I she said shall I bring it round to you , I said no I 'll ask .
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