Example sentences of "[verb] to [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I decided to write to Practical PC in the hope that you might be able to solve this minor mystery .
2 stated that Institute Rules required a minimum of ten members to combine to write to National Council via National Office requesting the authority to form a North American Division .
3 He moved to Imperial College in 1911 , was appointed assistant professor of chemical engineering in 1917 , and elevated to the chair in 1926 .
4 Miss Keeler 's love life had provided a sensational scandal in that a ‘ coloured friend ’ , moved to desperate jealousy by her behaviour , had opened fire at the window of her home and been arrested and charged for that offence .
5 In 1985 he moved to Corporate Finance as Group management accountant .
6 The visit to Wagner 's Swiss home , Tribschen , in mid-May was the first of over twenty such visits made between 1869 and 1872 , the year in which first BT appeared and then , a few months later , Wagner , with his wife Cosima , moved to illegitimate daughter of Franz Liszt and wife of Wagner 's friend Hans von Bulow , eloped with Wagner in 1866 and married him in 1870 .
7 They moved to scenic Greencastle on the southern tip of Co Down in recent years but now the ‘ adopted ’ locals are dreading the possibility of the ferry which will operate from Greencastle to Greenore on the other side of Carlingford Lough .
8 But , like Morgan , his main orientation was historical and he contributed to evolutionary theory by introducing the term ‘ survival ’ for those customs or beliefs which , like the human appendix , linger on anachronistically out of context .
9 The growth of experimental science , with the new technology of the microscope and the more rigid principles of research established in the laboratory , also contributed to medical ascendancy within social policy .
10 While they advocated and worked for such extensions of democracy the European social democratic parties , whether or not they claimed to be Marxist and revolutionary , were also , for the most part , firmly committed to political democracy in the narrower sense ; and where the necessary conditions were present — the legal existence of socialist parties , elections conducted on the basis of ( at least ) universal male suffrage , and participation in parliament and government — they made plain that although they did not renounce extra-parliamentary forms of class action they envisaged the transition from capitalism to socialism as coming about through the will of a majority of citizens , clearly and publicly expressed in elections .
11 Tower Hamlets is committed to effective implementation of its Equal Opportunities Policy .
12 We are firmly committed to equal treatment for men and women in pensions .
13 On May 31 , 1990 , the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( Forces de libération africaine de Mauritanie — FLAM ) , a black Mauritanian opposition movement committed to armed struggle against the ruling CMSN , accused Mali of assisting the Mauritanian government in what it called " genocidal racism " against blacks .
14 We are committed to developing tourism in ways which provide all-year-round jobs and bring benefit to less well-known parts of our countryside , without damaging the environment .
15 Am I committed to consistent communication about the way we handle our finances , giving , earning , spending and saving ?
16 Because of this and because the colony was committed to religious toleration for everybody , it attracted a great many immigrants .
17 Poland was becoming the most industrialized part of the Tsar 's empire , and the business classes , as represented in the National Democrats , were strongly committed to remaining part of this imperial market .
18 All AEA Management is committed to regular communication with staff throughout this exercise and we intend to provide regular updates on the way it develops .
19 George got financial support from Parliament for troops to defend his Electorate and they did well enough to maintain his position , but he could not establish in office the ministers he really wanted , who would have been committed to full-scale involvement in Germany , so that he had to put up with a government which was not completely devoted to fighting on the continent of Europe .
20 On the Gulf crisis , the EC and its member states " remain firmly committed to full implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions …
21 They thought that he would be committed to tough reform of the welfare laws , that he would set his face against the racial balkanisation of America , that he would support free trade and eschew the idea that great dollops of federal money would revive the economy .
22 For those committed to independent education from the start , the difficulty , apart from finding the money , is to pick your way through the minefield of professional advice .
23 But with Washington still committed to military victory in Afghanistan , cutting weapons supplies is a sensitive proposition .
24 After one visit to a juvenile court where some gang members had been committed to Approved School after ‘ carrying out depredations against shopkeepers over quite a wide area ’ , Dr Bryan ‘ could not help feeling a little depressed at the thought of so much high spirit , imagination , ingenuity and daring shut up behind high walls ’ .
25 Would the Noble Minister clarify once and for all whether or not the Government are committed to free choice by parents in this matter ?
26 More importantly , much of the investment that is taking place simply replicates facilities at other ports and adds to excess capacity in the industry .
27 The campaign adds to mounting pressure on the French government to ensure environmental protection for its territory on the Atlantic coast of South America .
28 Robert Schuman , the French foreign minister after July 1948 who had been raised on the Franco-German border , was attracted to European unity as a way to bring a rapprochement between the two countries .
29 This meant that the troublemakers , including many who did not want to come to Great Engeham in the first place , were given a pretty free run .
30 As in a modern context it is immediately clear that students find it hard to combine study with a full-time job ; so , addressing a would-be contemplative , the Cloud-author explains his view that it is impossible for man to pursue the discipline of meditation and study unless he first ceases external activity , and impossible to come to mystical knowledge of God if the mind is engaged in discursive thought .
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