Example sentences of "[verb] to a different [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a TOPS course I got a full-time job in computing and I moved to a different part of London .
2 With the scratch foil system , the styli and the arms they are mounted on have a definable mass which must be accelerated , moved to a different position and then decelerated to the new value every time there is a change in the magnitude of the parameter .
3 In King Ine 's laws the smith was rated as the equal of the reeve and a child 's nurse , who , being servants , could be taken with a gesithcund man if he moved to a different area ( ibid. p. 104 ) .
4 ‘ I do know in one particular instance of a gay couple from Clwyd who moved to a different area and changed their names because one of the men became infected .
5 The external version of the theory holds that the ‘ market value ’ of top managers ( which takes account of the salary they could command if they moved to a different employer ) will increase where they are associated with a successful company and therefore that directors will do all they can to boost profitability .
6 I moved to a different phase and involved myself in witch-like pursuits , looking for a special spell ( they had already told me what it was to be ) .
7 Then I moved to a different teacher to get some more , you know , experience .
8 On the fourteenth day we moved to a different section of the training building .
9 Winsor & and ; Newton will be creating six ‘ mini studios ’ , each one dedicated to a different medium , where you will be able to sit down for 20 minutes and try out the materials whilst getting expert tuition in a small group .
10 Winsor & and ; Newton will be creating six ‘ mini studios ’ , each one dedicated to a different medium , where you will be able to sit down for 20 minutes and try out the materials whilst getting expert tuition in a small group .
11 During the academic year , overseas students need to have access to a wide range of information and support in order to adjust to a different culture and benefit fully from their education .
12 During the academic year , overseas students need to have access to a wide range of information and support in order to adjust to a different culture and benefit fully from their education .
13 The ‘ B ’ vitamins are a very complex group , with each individual ‘ B ’ vitamin contributing to a different aspect of fitness .
14 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
15 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
16 Although in both books Hilton never loses sight of the spirituality possible for actives each book is addressed to a different audience : Scale 1 to an enclosed and apparently illiterate anchoress " redyng of holy writt may < wel vse " ( 15.288a. – 88 ) ; while Scale 2 seems more generally addressed to a wider and not necessarily wholly contemplative audience .
17 The blinds of the houses were always drawn to different levels , since each of the rooms was let to a different lodger , and their times of getting up and going to bed were different .
18 Nguyen Ngoc Lan was subsequently placed under house arrest , while Fr Chan Tin was transferred to a different church .
19 Voters therefore list candidates according to preference , as with the alternative vote — but their vote transfers according to a different principle .
20 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
21 I had had one very close childhood friend , Maeve , but her family had moved to a different part of the country and I never saw her again .
22 Dot thought that he must have been moved to a different hospital .
23 He clashed with his superior and was moved to a different section , and after a series of complaints about his behaviour he was sent back to England at the request of the ambassador at the beginning of May 1951 .
24 A section of text which is either cut or copied is moved to a different section of the computer 's memory .
25 She had been moved to a different room in the factory and was doing more intricate work which involved the use of a micrometer and much greater concentration .
26 Drs Smith and Bothwell appeared to represent a minority view amongst our sample ; most of the respondents appealed to a different set of work orientations which emphasised personal involvement with patients ' problems , ‘ family doctoring ’ and continuity .
27 Interlinking raised beds , each built to a different height , look interesting , and a raised bed that runs along the side of a path will give a strong design line — if the wall curves round with the path , the effect will be even more striking .
28 In the demand drawing the broken line is pushed to a different level instead of being drawn to it .
29 He wakes to a different prison bed ,
30 run to a different door .
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