Example sentences of "[verb] in a different [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless she felt uneasy and was almost glad to hear that a second girl had been attacked in a different part of Liverpool .
2 Singleton believes the answer lies in a different style of policing .
3 They , they may sort of be very submissive , B types , and therefore they can be stressed in a different way .
4 The Alton office , based in Paper Mill Lane , have seen a marked increase over the past six months in the number of adults looking to change careers , either as a result of job loss , reduction in promotion prospects , or a desire to retrain in a different field .
5 It is not possible to describe a suitable treatment for every type of window and there is no such thing as a standard window , since two identical windows located in a different position on a wall may need quite a different treatment .
6 If employees are asked to work in a different location on a temporary basis it is unlikely that they will need to move home .
7 Going back to work in a different job helped for a while , however .
8 As a result , you may have little practical alternative but to agree to increased working hours or to work in a different area , despite the fact that the contract does not provide for such things , if they are commercially necessary from the point of view of the business .
9 Each aspect of party and leader images varied in a different way , some more predictably than others .
10 Each aspect of leader and party images varied in a different way .
11 In some ways this is the ‘ tyranny of the majority ’ argument ( met in chapter 4 ) described in a different way .
12 Prescribing costs varied across the age bands in a different manner to items ( table II ) .
13 Two of the brass chandeliers suspended above the nave gave a gentle diffused light but the church looked dimly mysterious compared with the glare of the passage and the figures of Massingham and the detective sergeant quietly conferring , of Miss Wharton and the boy patiently sitting like hump-backed dwarfs on low chairs in what must be the children 's corner , seemed as distanced and insubstantial as if they moved in a different dimension of time .
14 Joe Fitzgerald was so much older and moved in a different circle , and on the few occasions that Sarah had seen him he had shown no interest in her , but she liked him and knew that he enjoyed reading and poetry as much as she did .
15 With respect to the question of the dating of the campaigns , however , the principal Arabic source , Ibn Hajar , writes in a different context that in Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 , the Ottoman ruler ( Mehmed I ) , alter having besieged Konya , seized Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey and his son Mustafa and took possession of Konya , Kayseri , and most of the Karamanid lands .
16 Edward lives in a different part of town , he espouses different ideas — but he 's also seeking acceptance , due to a romantic interest in shy , true-blue Serana .
17 The basic cost of a simple civil service is £35 but that rises to £52 if one or other partner lives in a different district .
18 The reassuring love she had expected from the house she found in a different measure from the three little dogs , friendly , even worshipful , and proffering no accusations of her neglectful absence — their care and pleasures important to her , she leaned against the car and waited while they took to the woods and the wild .
19 Although the sequence oral-anal-phallic seems to be , and indeed is , determined by the basic pattern of infantile physical development — oral dependence giving way to increasing control of the anal sphincter , followed by development of genital sensitivity , etc. — the pattern of instinctual renunciation and control which this series represents is derived from another , different series in which the stages originally occurred in a different order .
20 However : ‘ In context , the absence of clear sentence boundaries does not mean that conversation is difficult to follow : it just shows that conversation is organised in a different way from writing ’ ( Leech et al. , p. 8/7 ) .
21 However , as feminists have consistently argued , potentially housework could be organised in a different way .
22 This is not to say that a series like Follow Me can not be used in the classroom , but it is organised in a different way from materials like Let's Watch or Video English which were made specifically for classroom use .
23 An adjustable control system allows you to pass in a different direction to which you 're running , enabling lots of teamwork between your players , including clever one-twos .
24 She waited for a moment and then walked off to stand in a different part of the ship .
25 I think the management thing can be addressed in a different way erm excuse me erm , oh I 've lost my thread now but , oh yeah that 's right
26 So we do feel that er , while children feel they do n't er have the freedom , we feel that er , er , er a very nice system , which has been socially used for , is being sacrificed because we are living in a different set-up .
27 Such a man is already living in a different world .
28 and then suddenly from the other end there 's this like , cos we , it 's like a big room , it 's the other end of the room all the dealers there , and er anyway and er and suddenly I hear , and then someone 's like saying talking , they 're all , somebody 's like mi microphone and starts talking to them about er what 's happening in the market , things like that blah blah blah blah blah , and this means blah blah blah blah so watch out for blah blah blah and I thought it 's like living in a different world , it 's amazing .
29 Sometimes , learning materials will need to be presented in a different way , and emphasis given to particular aspects of learning , but an understanding of the pupil 's needs can clarify issues of curriculum access and special adaptations can be made for those pupils who have sight problems .
30 Both groups received a test session in which the light was presented in a different context ( B ) but one with which they were familiar in that all subjects had received 14 sessions of exposure to it .
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