Example sentences of "[verb] in a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once the approximate solution has been found then it is no longer a problem situation but a design situation : how can the solution be designed in a better way ?
2 Either way , the best hope of predicting such events , and mitigating their impact , lies in a better understanding of the southern oscillation and its role in the circulation of the southern hemisphere .
3 Herodotus was able to establish some kind of time-sequence for the two centuries before his time , but he was a more diffuse writer than Thucydides , who was concerned with many events occurring in a shorter time interval .
4 As would be expected in a larger contract where the risks are greater , this form is more detailed than the minor works agreement .
5 17.54 ( i ) Pupils should have opportunities to write in a wider range of forms , including a number of the following : notes , diaries , personal letters , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , advertisements , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , playscripts. ( ii ) Through experience of a wider range of literature they should learn to produce stories which are more consciously crafted , for example , using some detail in the portrayal of characters or settings or with some attempt to introduce elements of suspense or surprise with a skilfully managed resolution .
6 If only he had started to write in a larger script , I might have felt I had succeeded with him , made him a poet .
7 Working-class politics is located in a wider material , cultural and social universe , and has no meaning outside that universe .
8 Postwar holiday consumption patterns in Britain indicate the rapid growth of package holidays in the 1950s , but the roots of this boom are located in an earlier period before the Second World War .
9 ( A full review will be appearing in a later edition of EW + WW .
10 15.37 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 6 should be encouraged to work in a wider range of situations in which their individual contributions are given greater emphasis .
11 The eggs were fried in a smaller pan .
12 ( Berkeley was familiar with perspective machines , one of which he described in a later work . )
13 ‘ The Created God ’ described in a later chapter embraces all the needs and provides all the power .
14 Three Israeli soldiers were killed and six were wounded in a further bomb attack and gun battle near Aramta on Oct. 29 .
15 Submitted another letter from Bob to Housing Dept in which he expresses concern about the effects on the children and asking for us to be re-housed in a safer area .
16 We shall examine the difficulties they encountered in a later chapter ( pp. 354 ff . ) .
17 This is something no ordinary parent could even begin to enforce and no judicial parent stands in a better position than a natural parent .
18 If the rotation is due to something having broken on the model , you have another problem which we will discuss in a later chapter .
19 Our next step will be to show how the same two-part chords of Example 114 can be given much more tension through harsh dissonances added in a lower part : The lower part is always a semitone or a major 7th from an upper part .
20 People living alone are particularly at risk if they smoke because , as I mentioned in an earlier chapter , it is a considerable fire hazard in the home .
21 Sharon , Debbie 's friend , lives in a newer council house about half a mile away .
22 They also have a number of plastic air powered ornaments which were included in an earlier review .
23 Although the rules do not make this absolutely clear it would be extraordinary if they were interpreted as preventing a party from adducing any oral evidence , even that which had been set down in witness statements served in compliance with the direction , simply because he attempts to adduce additional oral evidence at trial which he should have included in an earlier witness statement .
24 The prevalence of HLA-B8 , however , was similar to that found in an earlier study of primary sclerosing cholangitis in an Australian population .
25 They must also be considered in a wider context since the need for defences in the civil zones throughout the Empire arose out of the great pressures on the frontiers by barbarian migrations .
26 Some of his lengthy dissertations will be considered in a later chapter ( p. 101 ) ; short critical comments can be included here .
27 Some instances of modern statutory liability are considered in a later section of this chapter but a more generalised revival of the Rylands v. Fletcher idea is proposed in two modern law reform proposals .
28 The working conditions of the labouring classes were considered in an earlier chapter and in the companion to this volume , The Vital Century .
29 Such considerations in relation to temperature alone have been considered in an earlier section .
30 The domestic world which draws the suburban housewife away from the temptations of an illicit romance in Brief Encounter ( 1945 ) is quite as cosy as that depicted in an earlier collaboration between Lean and Noël Coward , This Happy Breed ( 1944 ) .
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