Example sentences of "[verb] in the long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But really it is the crew as a whole which counts in the long run on a job like this .
2 The spots of the leopard ( opposite ) lurking in the long grass help to destroy the solidity of its form , and the dappled patches on the coat of the clouded leopard ( above , left ) conceal it well in the broken light of the forest .
3 Grasshoppers churred in the long grass .
4 I 've had three goes at it , and I can tell you that looks are the last thing to be considered ; it 's what 's underneath that matters in the long run .
5 I have to remember we spent her first ten years together and hope that this will be what matters in the long run .
6 My guess however is that the Ariston 's unusually musical qualities will appeal in the long term where some more glamorous looking contrivances will ultimately be found tiresome or wanting .
7 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
8 All of them are now under review to make sure they are ‘ in a particular market where we can win in the long term ’ .
9 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
10 It can be limited across the whole country or across wide areas liable to suffer in the longer term ( for example , on all permeable soils such as on chalk , limestone , sand or sandstone ) .
11 She now lives in the longest village in England with her husband and two children , Sebastian and Octavia ( Octavia because she was born in eight minutes ) .
12 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
13 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
14 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
15 The Basle exchange too , with a turnover only a seventh that of Zurich , may not survive in the longer term if Swiss Bank Corporation , its biggest trader , decides to pull out .
16 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
17 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
18 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
19 As well as determining the information needed now and in the near future , some regard must be given to the difficult task of trying to foresee information needs in the longer term ( Land , 1982 ) .
20 Even in these circumstances the approach provided a deep insight into the information needs of the organisation , and revealed a considerable number of potential improvements , some of which were implemented in the course of the study and others that were addressed in the longer term .
21 As to GATT , a trade war between America and Europe would be bad for people 's stand of living in the long run but it would n't have much direct effect on Courtaulds .
22 In conclusion , I ask is it sensible needlessly to destroy a system which provides the best standard of living for all its citizens on the African continent and replace it with a system which will bring misery in the short-term and has little proof that it will ever attain today 's standard of living in the long term ?
23 It seems to me when deciding that case , the court of appeal were as Mr suggests taking a long-term view , I of course bear in mind the well known aphorism of Lord about er what happens in the long term , but er , my own view is , that in fact , a house should not actually be built as an investment at all it is something to live in , to make a home in , it is not something to make money out of , I very much regret the fact that er over recent years that view seems to have become somewhat old fashioned .
24 But we may expect in the long run to become as comfortable in the new clothes as we were in the old .
25 Yeah , mind you his , his short er term policies so it does n't matter in the long run .
26 Perhaps the United States itself would benefit in the long run from a more flexible policy on sterling and other matters .
27 You would probably both benefit in the long term by coming to such a compromise as interests and contacts from outside can save you both from the trapped feeling that a dependent relationship can bring about .
28 Surely , however , the women who do make the transition from the grant-aided sector to the mainstream bring with them a history of political and creative experience which must make itself felt in the long run ?
29 She says in the longer term there are substantial benefits from returning organic matter to the soil .
30 Paolucci claims ( in Beccaria 1963 , p. ix ) that Dei Delitti e delle Pene has had ‘ more practical effect than any other treatise ever written in the long campaign against barbarism in criminal law and procedure ’ .
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