Example sentences of "[verb] in any [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That 's probably a set of tyres or something - it 's not a great deal of money in this day and age - but then failure is limited to actual breakage , wear and tear is excluded , it does n't cover the cost of working materials such as gaskets , if the vehicle has been modified in any way it 's excluded , it excludes any personal injury resulting from the breakdown , it covers erm the schedule is invalid if you have not covered the servicing aspects on page ten , the servicing aspects on page ten require you within ten days or two hundred and fifty miles of three thousand miles intervals — most cars now are six thousand mile intervals — to have the oil changed , so there 's a built-in additional service , and so it goes on .
2 That would give the electricity supply industry the free run of the distribution network , while consumers could signal in any way they liked on their own mains wiring without bothering anyone .
3 that the candidate knows which outcomes or units are included in any assessment he or she is undertaking .
4 This can be done in any way you please , but once the order is chosen , it stays fixed .
5 Eliot must have heard of his arrest during or just after his visit to Paris at the beginning of that month since , on his return , he immediately sent a cable to Archibald MacLeish , the poet who was then Assistant Secretary of State , saying that he was eager to help Pound in any way he could .
6 It would be up to God to wind up the clockwork and set the universe going in any way He wanted .
7 On the other hand , can you see if coordination gets er deteriorates in any way you 're going to be cut off from an awful lot of things you now , you might have been marvellous at embroidery , it gave you a lot of satisfaction but if your co coordination starts to go then the quality of what you can do will satisfy you , will dissatisfy you , make you feel annoyed .
8 All the words were in place — ‘ I would not wish this on my worst enemy ’ ; ‘ Sam 's safety is my only concern ’ ; ‘ I appeal to the public to help in any way they can ’ ; ‘ I beg those who are holding her to let her go ’ — but the heart seemed strangely absent .
9 I consider it my duty to help in any way I can .
10 If any reader is able to help in any way I would be pleased to hear from them .
11 To be used in any way they see fit , even to the point of humiliation .
12 He was a star by the early Sixties , and then he could move in any circle he wanted . ’
13 Well anything , any message I suppose , you can key in any message you want
14 With a majority of 21 , they are in a position to vote in any Speaker they wish , and so may be inclined to reward one of their own party .
15 Even agreed syllabuses , drawn up for a particular locality , only suggest ideas and very general outlines ; if given in any detail they will be more or less inappropriate for this particular pupil or this actual class .
16 Theoretically you were as free as the common snipe to go in any direction you pleased .
17 In my experience , the teams will throw in any ball they land their hands on — no-one really knows whether it is the playing ball or not .
18 What beckons me forward is a faith in God 's Hand in history , the conviction that He means these lands to speak to the world with an answer , and the decision to support in any way I can those — black , brown and white — in whose lives I see God 's power working .
19 With a brass section that cheerfully joined in any chorus they could remember complete with formation instrument swaying and excellent drums , double bass and guitar , it was easy to see that this band have been all over the world together .
20 Controversy in the medical profession still rages about the benefits of vitamins and dietary supplements and manufacturers are closely restricted in any claims they can make about what their various products can do .
21 This may be because the complaint has political overtones ; ( b ) the authority can call in any complaint it wishes to supervise ; ( c ) any matter not subject to a complaint may be referred to the authority who may investigate it .
22 She did n't even need to work out her notice , just go in any time she felt like it to collect any personal belongings .
23 Also needed are the date , venue and number of people involved in any Displays you have Produced , Lecture/Dems given , ‘ Come & Try Its ’ , Other Events you have taught at or arranged , and Static displays mounted .
24 The presence of an attachment figure is considered to be vital to the emotional and social survival of the individual , and when attachments are threatened or removed in any way it can lead to intense forms of attachment behaviour , such as clinging , crying and extreme grief .
25 Now , d do n't forget index-linking is not the same as salary increases , and in a time of rapid inflation , prices go up , salaries go up , and the government can interfere in any way it wants with the R P I index .
26 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up with more self-esteem and confidence than those who are allowed to get away with behaving in any way they like .
27 If your household is likely to expand in any way it might be cheaper in the long run to buy a larger model than the more modest affair you had thought of first .
28 He is a talented lad who shows great respect for his elders and will play in any position I tell him to .
29 Most would have tackled problems related to sheep on their own , but in dealing with a cow they would seek help and then assist in any way they could .
30 I am 11 years old so please help in any way you can .
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