Example sentences of "[verb] in [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In reality , the great virtue of the diary lies in its value for the researcher , as primary source material for the history of its time and , for the general reader , in its vivid picture of country life .
2 The importance of the practice lies in its implications for monetary control and we shall mention it again in sections 4.3 and 9.1 .
3 The problem of how advertising works is largely a theoretical one , but its relevance to both agencies and advertisers lies in its importance for the assessment of the results of advertising campaigns .
4 Their importance , like that of cytomegalovirus , lies in their propensity for causing serious perinatal infection .
5 They have tiny holes drilled in their heads for the insertion of twisted pairs of gold-plated bronze wire to represent tresses of waving hair .
6 So the following afternoon , as soon as Mrs Wormwood had departed in her car for another session of bingo , Matilda set out for Fred 's house to investigate .
7 The buyer can include in his claim for damages , the amount of the damages he has had to pay out to his sub-purchaser for breach of contract , see Godley v. Perry ( paragraph 9–05 above ) .
8 i ) Permission must be obtained from all people appearing in your shots for their entry in the competition , and their possible appearance in advertisements .
9 Schools varied in their concern for a number of other issues .
10 Law 's feeling for the sense of the party was less sure than usual in 1916 but , once certain of the party feeling and the national interest , he did not waver in his demand for a different sort of government .
11 and Macpherson of Cluny J. ) given on 18 January 1991 refusing them the relief claimed in their applications for judicial review of decisions made in relation to each of them by the Secretary of State for the Home Department .
12 MOTHER-of-two Wendy Pearce was trapped in her home for two days by a ram in her garden .
13 The technique as described originally is applied to the mouse testis below ( Section 2.1 ) , and modified in our laboratory for use with human testicular material ( Section 2.2 ) .
14 Mansell dominated the opening qualifying in his Canon-Williams-Renault for the tough 81-lap Adelaide street circuit race , where his 1986 title hopes were wrecked by a tyre blow-out .
15 The plaintiffs succeeded in their action for a declaration , but the defendants refused to repay the money .
16 the pursuer succeeded in his application for an interim payment against his employer who argued they should only be liable to pay 50% because of the alleged negligence of the master of a ship .
17 Cameron passed it by , the man could stew in his choler for a while , and when the dark came on and his servants and womenfolk grued at every owl-call or salmon-splash from the river , his defiance would burn lower and he would give his name .
18 If cost alone is to determine the level of service that is provided , we shall no doubt see Ministers trading in their Jaguars for Ladas —
19 As it is , Bernard has no intention of trading in his guitar for anything you might see in a Kraftwerk video .
20 Mike Brearley , the subsequent England captain and a Cambridge graduate with a distinctly academic turn of mind , was revealing in his reasons for turning down the offer , which would have overturned the historical structure of international cricket : ‘ Money apart , Kerry Packer is not my style .
21 Even though Garrett was totally immersed in his work for the NASA Space Programme the treasure hunting flame still flickered .
22 Well I said to Mr , I said well this is the first time I 've sat in your lounge for nearly two years .
23 The Working Party included in its proposals for programmes of study those aspects of media education and IT which contribute most directly to the central aim of English : to widen the range of children 's understanding and use of language , and to develop their skills in it .
24 EXPERIENCED non-league campaigner Mick Hardman has been signed by Warrington Town and is included in their squad for tomorrow 's HFS first division visit to Great Harwood Town .
25 Furthermore , by UV-cross-linking experiments , a polypeptide of 85,000 daltons has been found to bind to this region , a molecular weight similar to that found in our experiments for the factor binding to oligonucleotide I ( see Fig. 6 ) .
26 She was worried about a pair of wild barn owls : they had been nesting in her barn for years and she knew there were young up there , but had n't seen the parent birds going in and out for several days .
27 She argues that , before the Public Order Act 1986 was passed , ‘ it was the moral panic surrounding football hooliganism which the government used in its publicity for the new law .
28 My hon. Friend will know that the National Audit Office has in its programme for the current financial year an examination of flood and coast protection programmes .
29 As the century wore on , the returning prosperity of the countryside brought a markedly higher standard of living in its train for those best able to exploit their opportunities ; , the revival of trade facilitated the acquisition of luxuries .
30 The Javanese dignitaries , who would have disapproved of the suggestion , were already stirring to depart in their jeeps for Makassar to catch their plane home .
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