Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The information had also been disclosed in confidence to another shareholder who was using if for the purpose of making a bid for the plaintiff company .
2 ( vi ) In conditions of rapid social change , the role of adventurers , guided by the search for power without being committed in loyalty to any interest or class , is important in the creation of a national liberation movement .
3 Assistance may only be granted , however , where the Commissioner believes that the breach of rule about which the member is complaining is one which affects or may affect other members of the union or that similar breaches of the rules have been or may be committed in relation to other members of the union .
4 Some of the project manager 's time will be committed in advance to systematic management of the project .
5 It seems that male spatial arrangements are contingent upon those of females , who are themselves dispersed in relation to dietary ecology , and yet in this species it is females rather than males that move between social units .
6 Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects , many of which involve cash cropping and ranching .
7 As is the case with the parasitic wasp , it seems that sex allocation is occurring in response to environmental variation .
8 The sight later of these hundreds of flaring candles , from across the river , as the light faded on a grey evening , was as near as I was able to come in Lourdes to any sense of holiness , so oppressive otherwise is the sense of the business of holiness .
9 ( 13 ) With the consent in writing of all Members for the time being the restrictions imposed by this Article may be waived or varied in relation to any proposed transfer of Shares .
10 ( 13 ) With the consent in writing of all Members for the time being the restrictions imposed by this Article may be waived or varied in relation to any proposed transfer of Shares .
11 They say it was a computerised letter which got through and they apologise in advance to any other tenant who might have got one .
12 Unemployment rose in June to 2,920,000 ( 10.3 per cent of the labour force ) .
13 Soon they become obsessed with Thursday night reserve games featuring their fave crap defender who was tragically dropped in preference to some bought-in journeyman , etc .
14 But by January the pound had dropped in value to 1.05 .
15 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
16 Gilroy , for example , has argued against catch-all terms like ‘ Black ’ , ‘ Asian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ which imply homogeneous groups of people whose culture and way of life stands in contrast to some white norm ( Gilroy , 1990 ) .
17 He stands in contrast to those prelates of his day , often trained in theology , who shunned close involvement in secular government and even openly opposed royal policies .
18 This stands in contrast to most consumer specialised magazine titles which have seen a fall in sales .
19 It is not now plain that molecular biology stands in relation to all the life sciences as atomic theory does to the physical sciences ?
20 This calls for an act of the imagination , in foreseeing the ways in which the enquiry is likely to develop , the types of information necessary , the reading ages and levels of attainment of the students in relation to what is currently available , and the weaknesses of the collection as it stands in relation to this analysis .
21 There will be classrooms where it is evident that these factors are already borne in mind , and which will need only minor additions such as the clear labelling of cupboards in print or braille , or a rearrangement of seating in relation to light sources from windows and to ensure clear visibility of blackboard or overhead projector .
22 Retailing is likely to suffer in relation to commercial and industrial property .
23 One study ( CBI , 1983 ) has shown that a significant proportion of firms actually experiencing fairly large changes in their total workforces report in response to such questions that their workforces have " stayed the same " .
24 Just as the governmental structure has been modified in response to political demands , so the responsibilities of government have grown as greater social and economic demands have been made of it .
25 The advantage is that responses are highly flexible and can be modified in response to environmental changes and perceived outcomes within the lifetime of the organism .
26 In effect , the housing land policy was modified in detail to such an extent that the County Planners considered it to be contradicted ( Tyne and Wear County Council , 1981a : 13 ) .
27 Culture supernatants , cleared of cell debris by centrifugation at 5000RPM for 15min , were added in triplicate to coated wells and incubated for 2hrs at RT .
28 All drugs were dissolved in dimethylformamide to 2 mM solutions and stored in the dark at -20°C .
29 European stock markets were stronger , with market operators relieved that Wall Street did not repeat Tuesday 's sharp 83-point drop , which had come in reaction to early indications of what Mr Clinton had in mind .
30 Transposed in time to medieval days , where two cultures are fighting a losing battle against the undead , he becomes an unwilling hero .
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