Example sentences of "[verb] in [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These rhetorical features seem , however , to suffer from being at odds with the rest of the passage , as if James wants us to catch in them a certain false emotionalism in the tone of the speaker .
2 When you sort out your notes , Sergeant , you might include in them the additional information that my car was parked at the other end of Boundary Drive , the end furthest away from Glenfair Road , see ?
3 He seems thrilled to stumble across the notion that war has a technological impetus of its own ; others will recognise in it the familiar railway-timetable explanation of why the first world war proved so unstoppably disastrous .
4 This leads us back to considering not the detective short story but the crime short story , the equivalent of the crime novel we have looked at , one of those stories which has in it no more than , in Stan Ellin 's words , " that streak of something wicked " .
5 Yet this ‘ philanthropy ’ has in it a considerable element of Minchampstead self interest .
6 Co-star Madeleine Stowe is also convincing as the formidable , spirited Cora Munro , falling for the rugged , beef-cake charms of Hawkeye who instils in her a joyous understanding of the wide open spaces and star spangled skies .
7 Very quickly this initial impression vanished as she recognised in him a dazzling personality , a person who had only to enter a room and the pace of things altered .
8 However , no sooner had they built such a machine than they recognised in it the inherent dangers of a heartless device capable of original thought .
9 For his part , Petion was feeling no actual fear as such , but these trappings of a bygone age , which could represent good or evil depending on the choice of the individual worshipper , instilled in him a definite sense of wariness .
10 Young wheat especially , so pure and tender , woke in him the same emotion that he had when observing the face of a sleeping baby .
11 I will tell you my secret belief : that for Gustave , in a way he only half-apprehended , I represented life , and that his rejection of me was the more violent because it provoked in him the deepest shame .
12 The terrible bitterness against his parents that had led to his writing a book meant to shock them had faded into indifference ; yet there lingered in him an understandable vindictiveness .
13 Ruskin would surely have been surprised if he had been told that a time would come when railway stations , like lakes and mountains , would become a part of the imaginative life of men , and when the sounding express engine no less than the sounding cataract would rouse in them a noble delight .
14 When the pope wrote to Anselm that ‘ we behold in you the venerable persona of St Augustine the Apostle of the English ’ this was more than a complimentary politeness .
15 What had she seen in him the other day that had been so disturbing ?
16 They have seen Pop Will Eat Itself close up and seen in them the terrible cost of debauchery .
17 If you look at , say , American TV wrestling , you can already see in it a strutting prediction of the showbiz-sports of the future , where drug-enhanced body-sculpture plays a part both in the athletic demands of the spectacle and in the personality-selling which is its true purpose .
18 His age and status induced in me the normal mixture of deference , fear and cheek .
19 Create in me a pure heart , O God
20 Although the younger woman has been taken to be a likeness of his sister Wil by many biographers , misled by an ambiguous comment of Vincent 's , Tralbaut sees in it a close resemblance to Kee .
21 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
22 It raises in you a momentary doubt about your own status as an " intellectual " , and a superior person generally . "
23 Events which begin by offering the boy exciting adventure end by teaching him — about people , about statecraft — and confirming in him the steadfast loyalty to the Empire which is evident in his later exploits .
24 However , the dissemination of this knowledge to newcomers has the additional purpose of inculcating in them the common sense that is necessary to police Easton .
25 Her dear sweet silky head was a breath from Jay 's lips , but Jay sensed in her a wild creature that scares easily , and held her tongue , her lips , her sanctified body , in check .
26 I think they sensed in me a possible convert to their beliefs , merely because I was curious , or perhaps they genuinely liked me — I do n't know .
27 These attitudes transposed easily to the Commonwealth point of view , class warfare and nationalist agitation both arousing in him the same confidently emollient response .
28 The new law 's brutal surgery , the promises — the menaces — the indomitable energy , inspired in him a profound torpor .
29 A well-made pension plan inspired in him the same emotions as an estate-bottled single-vineyard wine of a good year , and about the same amount of waffle .
30 Hilton sees this destruction as a continual process , but he also recognises in it a major stage that other mystics call the " dark night of the senses " a particularly sharp period of suffering during which the will is firmly dislodged from false values and reoriented towards God .
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