Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 As a juvenile romanticist Kingston , like his contemporary Ballantyne , used the device of the intrusive author accepted in his time and , besides , the didacticism expected in books for the young , didacticism made easier by the continuity and the extent of time afforded by serial publication in the boys ' magazines of the period .
2 Later on in the morning , a class of 15 and 16 year olds is painting in oils for the first time .
3 Sterling was given an office at the Department of Trade and Industry , where he advised on industrial policy , and had a big say in plans for the future of broadcasting .
4 Unions have a 40 per cent say in elections for the leader and deputy leader , and a stake of up to 40 per cent in the ballots for parliamentary candidates .
5 Earlier , permissive legislation had already enabled some authorities to innovate in services for the disabled .
6 In fact a common complaint over the past decade has been that the high level of data content included in entries for the benefit of cataloguing records has been achieved at the cost of timeliness , and the BNB has certainly lost ground as a selection source for this reason .
7 They got fed up when there was one and only a party that has been out of power and living in blinkers for the past 12 years could possibly propose returning to a naked property tax .
8 Feed a pinch of crushed flake as you put in pellets for the adult fish .
9 It is understood that Lloyds was chosen to withhold its co-operation when 10 banks agreed in November to participate in preparations for the scheme 's introduction next autumn .
10 If Clinton is to keep faith with the electors , he will invest in jobs for the 10 million on the dole , provide for wide-ranging health care for all and implement drastic tax reforms .
11 Setting the housing visit date too close to the actual transfer date will result in problems for the employee with regard to renting out property at home , arranging storage for goods left behind and transport for those items that the family intends to bring to Britain .
12 It should be pointed out that , because the employing firms are themselves not perfectly competitive but possess some monopoly power , the union 's actions will not necessarily result in losses for the firms involved ; however , it will of course reduce their profits and result in a redistribution of income from profit-earners to wage-earners .
13 Two weeks before the end of her trial , Winnie Mandela experienced what commentators treated as a major political setback when she was heavily defeated in elections for the national presidency of the ANC women 's league , which she had earlier been expected to win unchallenged .
14 Ms Baker forecast cuts in plans for the Festival if the district council did not provide more funds , but said she could not indicate at this stage which productions would go .
15 Armed members of the the London Metropolitan force have been pulling in drivers for the past two weeks in 20 operations .
16 He was in the main street before nine o'clock and many of the shops were not yet open ; assistants were waiting in doorways for the boss to arrive with the keys .
17 ‘ I just want to get this season over and start from fresh again , ’ added the ring-rusty world No 55 , also forced to play in glasses for the first time .
18 ‘ The taxpayer here has carried on marketing activities outside Hong Kong resulting in agreements for the sale or sub-licensing of intellectual property rights also exercisable only outside the colony .
19 ‘ We have not achieved our goal yet , but the sale of the first plot allowed me to put in services for the proposed houses , ’ said Earl Haig .
20 Teaching points are conveniently highlighted in footnotes for the teacher
21 Informed opinion considered that care was best provided in hospitals for the mentally ill ( the old lunatic asylums ) and institutions or colonies for the subnormal .
22 Venturing further afield , you could plan a visit to India , China and the Far East , with a group from the University of the Third Age in association with Saga Holidays , a travel firm which specialises in holidays for the over-60s ( address on page 153 ) .
23 The company says that the programme has already roped in SmartStar Corp , which does proprietary language applications on Digital Equipment Corp hardware ; — Inmark Development Corp , which specialises in applications for the banking and brokerage community and tools for the C++ development market ; Tivoli Systems Inc with its software for managing distributed computer systems ; and The Digist Software Co division of the Turing Institute in Scotland , which provides shrink-wrapped spatial-data-processing applications for the AM/FM and geographic information systems markets .
24 Later in 1947 he joined the Nobel Division of Imperial Chemical Industries as a mining engineer specialising in explosives for the mining , quarrying and oil-prospecting industries .
25 Redwood City , California-based Ross Systems Inc , specialising in applications for the VMS world , has introduced Renaissance CS , its Digital Equipment Corp VAX/VMS-based suite of financial applications and accompanying development environment adapted for use with client-server architectures .
26 Some of the money saved went in prizes for the various competitions held during the day .
27 Reynes was an acquaintance of the diarist Samuel Pepys , who referred to him as ‘ a willing man , ready to co-operate in plans for the Navy ’ , and ‘ one who understands and loves a play as well as I , and I love him for it ’ .
28 A chapel-reared Cornish boy , he was far from home , working in Salisbury , drinking in pubs for the first time in his life , sleeping rough in a wood .
29 In terms of official policy the movement from child care to family welfare resulted in demands for the creation of a more effective family service .
30 They contrast with the ‘ reluctant commuters ’ of more limited means , forced to live in villages for the sake of buying at the cheaper end of the housing market .
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